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[Cinema 4D] Parent constraints are terrible at updating

polycounter lvl 7
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BTDarmstad polycounter lvl 7
Hey everyone!

Ever since I started doing animation with parent constraints involved in Cinema 4D, I've always had to wrestle with it to make it work properly.

I've had problems with using a single parent object within a parent constraint, which I believe I can do without a problem in Maya (when adjusting the weight slider, the parented object will just swivel all over the place in C4D), but I've managed to work around that by always constraining the object to yet another null in its new position.

However, there is one problem I haven't managed to solve yet - and it's the horrendous updating of any given parent constraint. Whenever a parent constraint switches weight (changes from one parent object to another), it absolutely has to render the exact frames in which the weight transfer happens in viewport, otherwise it will think that no weight transfer has taken place, and the parented object will be misplaced. This is especially awful when scrubbing the timeline, or watching through a scene more than once (the constraint will just stick to the last weight when starting over), and when working in heavy scenes that don't run silky smooth in viewport, it's almost impossible to work with reliably. Also not a problem in Maya to my experience.

Is there any way to get C4D to always check the weights in the parent constraint tag, rather than just using whatever was in last frame rendered in viewport?
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