Thought I would start a thread here for this small project I've been working on. The plan is to take her to gameres. Here are my WIP images thus far. Started with a quick concept sketch. This was my latest WIP shot.
I might suggest giving her some more room at the top of the helmet, and eventually the back of the skull. The current design, as well as some other artists' interpretations have given her a larger, more heart-shaped helmet to Tony's traditionally more oval-shaped helmet (which makes sense given that she has a large 'fro.)
Thanks man! I have seen some Ironheart concepts but this is the one I prefer which is what I'm basing it off of. I want to stay closer to Tony's colors and look rather than this:
Thanks guys! yea, what you see is what I'm going with. I already have it blocked out for the most part. I'm currently sculpting the jacket and then I'll do some proper hard surface in maya for the helmet and chest.
Man, I've really enjoyed seeing you progress through this one. Riri is an interesting choice too. I'm always intrigued what it might be about a certain character that draws some people in and inspires them - was there any specific reason you wanted to tackle this Ironheart?
Thanks Bryan! And I am definitely not as deep a person as you are making me out to be lol. When I start a new project, I usually spend a couple nights just going through hundreds of concepts, illustrations, and photos to see if anything inspires me. In this case, I had an idea that I wanted to do a female african american character since I have not yet tackled any in my personal art or career. I think I had an epiphany when someone posted some concept art of Riri they did on Facebook. I started looking for ref and just reading about her background and it felt like a good choice. I wanted to mix in some cloth elements since I don't like doing just hard surface for everything. She seems to be wearing denim jackets or leather jackets so it felt like a good fit. I skewed more towards an Ironman suit vs her Ironheart suit because I prefer the color scheme and design of the more traditional stark suits. And lately, I find that going in a more stylized direction is more enjoyable for me. I like having stylized shapes with more realistic materials. I was semi tempted to do a full body as well but that would just take me forever lol. Hoping to do the hardsurface elements soon so that I can move onto low poly!
Did a bunch of subtle face tweaks and some body tweaks after a round of feedback from some fellow character artists. I think she definitely looks a bit more feminine. I have moved onto retopologizing the hardsurface areas! The plan is to get all of that modeled cleanly for the highres and then do a final pass on the face and hair. The hair will be done as cards in low poly though.
@carvuliero i'm not sure using a heavily made-up image with lots of contour work is a good example of cheek and chin transitions. Like, the lines you're referencing are literally painted on to the person, and aren't an accurate depiction of where the forms actually are.
I'm not totally sure I understand your suggestion Carvuliero. I don't want to stray too far from the helmet shape in the original design. I assume you are talking about changing the shape of the helmet correct?
Check small image right corner , just give a bit more room for the cheek bone and sliding inflation point of S curve lower .I guess you can call it a change more like a minor tweak .She look kind of squeezed inside so this could give her some more room to breath
Oh i get it, Slosh he's suggesting that you use the helmet to create the same contouring effect as makeup, by adjusting the curve of the edge of the armour a bit.
Oh yea, that makes sense. In fact, while doing the retopo, I realized the helmet is too tight as is and am already planning on doing that! Thanks guys!
Started doing the hardsurface modeling in Maya. I gave the helmet more cushion between the helmet and her face. Hopefully another session and I can get this into zbrush and cleaned up a tad!
Thanks Ged! I finished the maya hardsurface pass and did some subtle cleanup in zbrush. Did some more work on the face and did a hair pass. Pretty much done with high poly!
I'm not sure what you mean? As you can see, her nose fits just fine. I am going to add some more detailing in Painter via panel lines and some rivets. I agree the helmet/armor is a bit too simplistic compared to the jacket. Gonna add patches to the jacket in Painter as well.
oh yea, its similar to the concept yes. her head is a tad large ATM so I'm going to scale it down a smidge and make her neck a tiny bit shorter as well.
Ok, I finished the hires after some feedback from my character art peers. Some minor changes included scaling her head down a smidge and adjusting the eye angle on the faceplate. I also retopoed, UVed, and baked her down. She's now ready for Substance Painter!
It's really nice but the hair poking out bugs me as a design choice. some times people draw it like and other times its hidden which is much more practical. it'd make more sense if she had cornrows/short hair/shaved.
I appreciate the feedback. There will be more hair, I just have to place it once that one strand set is textured. The tube thing will be a more matte padding material in texture so it won't be specular like it is now. As for the lips, I can take a look later.
I tried to incorporate some of the feedback given as I have started texturing in Painter. This render is in Marmoset while texturing in Substance. Still very WIP.
Continuing blocking in materials. Everything is barely touched outside of the face, hair, and faceplate. I had finished texturing the faceplate and then realized I had saved over my latest version with an older one...sigh. Gotta redo what you see in this screenshot. Anyways, still insane amounts to do. Also widened the helmet up top, narrowed the lower half a little, and scaled her head down a smidge.
really cool. I like the changes, the only thing which stands out to me now is the hair, I'm not sure if there's any other way it could be done and it does look really good but the jacket looks so realistic in comparison to the stylised hair, maybe a few alpha strands on top or around the modelled hair?
Nice work over all, but those hairs look as if they are made of metal. and the head looks kinda bigger than it should be when the face-lid is removed. but still nice work overall. oh and i think She is called Iron Heart.
I want to stay closer to Tony's colors and look rather than this:
Doing a final bit of fun stuff for this piece before I do my final renders!
but still nice work overall.
oh and i think She is called Iron Heart.
"New Ironman Riri Williams Ironheart Fanart Bust"