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MEL script help getting my toggle boolean statement to work in a global proc?

polycount sponsor
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malcolm polycount sponsor
Hi, so I created this code which executes fine in the script edtior, it toggles the checker map on/off each time you run the script in the UV editor.

//This works fine
int $uvToggleChecker = !$uvToggleChecker;
if ($uvToggleChecker == 1)
print ("UV checker map turned on.");

else if ($uvToggleChecker == 0)
print ("UV checker map turned off.");

Buuuuut, when I run this exact same script in my MEL GUI it always returns true and won't toggle? What gives, I must be missing some secret formatting or something?

//This always returns true which is the exact same code in a window
global proc button20UVmapper ()
int $uvToggleChecker = !$uvToggleChecker;
if ($uvToggleChecker == 1)
print ("UV checker map turned on.");

else if ($uvToggleChecker == 0)
print ("UV checker map turned off.");

if (`window -exists TestWindow`)
deleteUI TestWindow;
window -title "" -toolbox true -sizeable true -resizeToFitChildren true TestWindow;
columnLayout -adjustableColumn true;
button -bgc 0.51 0.51 0.51 -width 60 -label "checker toggle" -command "button20UVmapper";



  • bitinn
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    bitinn polycounter lvl 6
    you need to understand the scope of a variable. in a proc the variable is local, thus you always initialized it with the same value. you need a global variable to remember the state.

    also good to understand variable declaration, which answers your problem with previous thread, you were declaring it twice.
  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    a better way to do this would be to check if the UV checker is turned on or off and toggle it based off that - and not use a boolean at all. 

    you can read the state of the checker map by querying the UI like this:

    int $checkerState = ` textureWindow -q -displayCheckered polyTexturePlacementPanel1`;

    then you can use the variable $checkerState to switch your if statements


    like this: 

    global proc button20UVmapper ()
        int $checkerState = ` textureWindow -q -displayCheckered polyTexturePlacementPanel1`;
        if ($checkerState == 1)
            textureWindow -e -displayCheckered 0 polyTexturePlacementPanel1;
        else if ($checkerState == 0)
            textureWindow -e -displayCheckered 1 polyTexturePlacementPanel1;
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Thanks guys, I'm just learning MEL so I don't really understand the rules yet and I'm not a programmer this is my first programming language. Global variable was the problem, and I'll also check out if I can query the panels as suggested as that would be a bit cleaner, I'll post back if I can't get the panels working on my own.
    Here is the code that works with the global variable in a generic sense.

    global proc button20UVmapper ()
        global int $uvToggleChecker;
        $uvToggleChecker = !$uvToggleChecker;
        if ($uvToggleChecker == 1)
                print ("UV checker map turned on.");

    else if ($uvToggleChecker == 0)
            print ("UV checker map turned off.");

    if (`window -exists TestWindow`)
    deleteUI TestWindow;
    window -title "" -toolbox true -sizeable true -resizeToFitChildren true TestWindow;
    columnLayout -adjustableColumn true;
    button -bgc 0.51 0.51 0.51 -width 60 -label "checker toggle" -command "button20UVmapper";

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