I updated my MixColors panel for Adobe Photoshop!
Next generation of color swatches: Auto-gradient Groups.. Also: Assign Smart Keyboard Shortcuts to 23 new MixColors functions, Edit/UpdateNext generation of color swatches: Auto-gradient Groups. Swatches, better, 2x faster, more robust UI. Even more!WHAT'S NEW:
- Auto-gradient of Swatches between Photoshop foreground & background or between any colors! Easily get colors inbetween. Smart resizing of the groups so you have only the swatches you need. Shift+click to mix to current color.
- Right-click to edit swatch
- Clear Color History, Undo/Redo colors with Keyboard Shortcuts
- Quickly add color swatches to the mix with Shift+click!
- Easily assign Keyboard Shortcuts to:
Directly add Color Swatches using keyboard, Add Foreground Color into Color Mix, Clear Color History, Undo/Redo Color (Navigate Color History, to get back to older colors you chose), Pick Color from Mix into History, Toggle Mix Eyedropper, Toggle Auto-Sync, Mix colors from each of 3 Mixers with main color or Photoshop colors, Mix colors with main color and then update mixer, Toggle MixColors panel
- Fast UI - uses new MagicPicker color wheel framework. Faster resizing, faster redraws, very responsive
- Hide upper part of the panel with mixers and use only swatch grouping
- Rearrange groups with drag'n'drop!
- Supports Photoshop CS4, CS5, CS6, CC, CC2014, CC2015, CC2017, CC2018+
- Improvements, fixes, more!
Upgrade MixColorsGet new MixColors color mixer 3.0 for Photoshop
You can adjust amount of color you're adding to the mix. Also for example MixColors factors in "dirt" or change of saturation/brightness of the colors when mixing.
Anastasiy Do you provide any discounts for your veteran users?
Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization (e.g., political, advertising, religious or public relations) to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participants.
Barbanegra and cryogen74 reply positively in Anastasius topics, promoting their products.
Now, they could be unaffiliated users who just happen to work in separate companies within the same office building, and their connections all go through the same router.
I'll let you decide. But it does certainly look fishy to me.
You are talking about color mixing in reallife, but this is somehow ...wrong?
Maybe I am dumb, but please take a look.
You show us on your site this examples for phyiscal accurate mixing:
My problem with this is, that this is additive color mixing and not what oil paintings or water color uses.
So how is this physical accurate? - or is just this image wrong?