Hello, I have one problem that is bugging me for a while. The problem is that I wanted to stack/mirror parts so I can save some UV space and get better resolution. I've moved stacked UVs to the side by 1 but I get this weird triangulation on moved UVs.
It wont let me embed pictures for some reason so here are the links :
1) These parts are moved out of standard UV space by 1
https://gyazo.com/5a74e4caf8f1cda74fbac8f241d2c1e42) This is how they are baked
https://gyazo.com/38238bf4c107996e041195bd14ab2664I had to try to stack/mirror some identical parts so I can save some space because if I don't do that there are tons and tons of parts in the UV map and the resolution gets really bad even at 4k because of all the parts on the model. So my question is how do you deal with this kind of problem?
1) This is how UV Map looks inside the Blender
2) This is how UV Map looks inside SP, there are artifacts even before I bake the object ( every edge seems to be hard )
3) Baked result