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Stylized Post-Apocalypse Female Character

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Rosquist polycounter lvl 4
Hi, I am working on a stylized female character for a Post-Apocalypse setting and would love all possible feedback! 

My main inspiration has been the Overwatch-style of characters, and the concept is an image I found on Artstation by the very talented Hongbo Yang. 

There is still much to be done. The next step is to create all the things for the belt och the mechanical hand. Weapon will be created at a later date.
As for the cape, I hope to be able to use cloth physics in UE to make it fall naturally when I have rigged and posed the character.

Latest Update:

Calling it done! This is some of the renders! More renders, breakdown and Marmoset Viewer over at Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/xW0P2

And this is the concept I used as my start-off point. I love the color and the details, but it was a little too sexualized for my taste. I wanted a tougher look, and to get more of the Overwatch-style rather than the original anime-ish style. Link to Hongbo Yang's post: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/RARGy

Will keep posting updates as I move along!


  • Rosquist
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    Rosquist polycounter lvl 4

    Didn't have that much time today since I was working, but did some blockouts of the grenades and bullets. I fear that the bevels might be a bit too sharp on the grenades. Might be better to have less och a bevel and sculpt in edge-wear like i did on the metal front of the boots. Might be able to break up the bevels i have now with edge-wear and get the dame result though. A bit unsure about the size of them as well. I want them to be big enough to pop, but without looking too oversized.

  • Rosquist
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    Rosquist polycounter lvl 4
    Update 2:

    Worked on the hand yesterday. I'm pretty happy with the fingers, nothing too complicated but it works. The actual hand however, feels.. off. Its a bit to blocky and angular compared to the chunky, round shapes of the arm. It feels very skinny compared to both the other hand and the arm. Will probably redo it from scratch. Need to find a nice way to connect it to the the ball-joint-thingy on the arm aswell. Will probably have to shorten the mechanical arm a bit aswell.

  • Rosquist
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    Rosquist polycounter lvl 4

    Fixed the pants, almost re-did them fully. Ditched the low-crotch since I realized it would stretch alot when posing/animating. Redid all of the folds aswell while i was at it and added all the seams. Will probably do some small detail on them. Changed up the hand so that it connected better and beefed it up a bit. I have also finished edgewear on all of the metal and leather parts. Will probably do a final pass tomorrow and after that it is time to retop this!

  • Rosquist
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    Rosquist polycounter lvl 4

    I have created the full low poly and UV-mapped it. Having some issues with the baking though. Started a thread in the marmoset sub-forum and hope to get some help.

    "I get visible seams while baking on some things, but not all of them, even though they are all baked in the same way. Hard Egdes on UV-islands, everything else is smoothed. On the goggle and the waist pouch, I get visible seams. On the hair though, which has the same setting and set-up, there's no visible seams. 

    Does anyone know whats going on here? Been troubleshooting for hours but haven't found anything that worked yet. Meshes are .fbx from maya with smoothing groups exported."

  • Rosquist
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    Rosquist polycounter lvl 4

    Started the texturing now, the seam-issue seemed to be mostly due to resolution.

    So this is the color blockout with some base-roughness values. Would love some feedback on how to push it!

  • Rosquist
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    Rosquist polycounter lvl 4

    More texturing!

    Added some gradients and more color variation in the face. Brighted up some colors aswell. For some reason the hair got a bit darker in Marmoset. Finally added the cape aswell!

  • Rosquist
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    Rosquist polycounter lvl 4

    More texturing! Feel like I am getting somewhere now, got some fantastic feedback from classmates Juras Rodinovas and Olle Norling. 
    Added a lot of color and some dirt, more and some minor tweaks. Also realized how about FOV values for renders(Thanks again, Juras).

  • Alemja
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    Alemja hero character
    I like the concept and progress so far! The big thing that stands out to me is the lack of gradients. Having light to dark gradients, usually top-down but can be changed based on the situation will greatly help sell the stylization of it.

  • Rosquist
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    Rosquist polycounter lvl 4
    Alemja Thanks! Yeah, I agree, but I'm not sure on how to do it without it standing out to much and keep it looking "natural". Maybe the point is that it doesn't have to?

    This is the base color as used for the renders above, should I push them more? They are generated using the 3D Gradient generator in SP masked for each piece and then one across the whole model! Is here a better way?

  • Rosquist
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    Rosquist polycounter lvl 4
    Update: Started with the weapon! Did the high/low-poly yesterday, baked and started texturing today! Still some stuff to do, break up the generated edges, fix roughness and mask out AO in awkward places such as the whole inside of the muzzle.

  • jose.fuentes
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    jose.fuentes interpolator
    love the texture work, have you added any SSS, i think it would bring your character to life so much
  • Rosquist
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    Rosquist polycounter lvl 4
    @jose.fuentes Thanks man! No, not yet, probably gonna play around with it today! :>
  • Rosquist
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    Rosquist polycounter lvl 4

    Character rigged! I find that for the final texture-pass, it helps to have the character in a more dynamic pose. Next step is to play around with blend shapes to get a nice facial expression before finalizing the pose. 

  • Rosquist
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    Rosquist polycounter lvl 4

    Fine-tuned the pose a bit and fixed Anisotropic reflection with a painted flow-map using the tangent normal-map in Krita. Also made a facial expression via blendshape in ZBrush. Feels like I'm closing in! The lighting is all over the place in these renders, will fix a proper set-up before doing the real beauty-shots.

  • Rosquist
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    Rosquist polycounter lvl 4

    Fixed the pose a bit more after getting some feedback from my dear friend Jonathan Nilsson. Added a small plane with a smoke-alpha. Started to mess with the lighting and added a temp platform.

  • HarlequinWerewolf
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    HarlequinWerewolf polycounter
    That hair looks sweet! She also looks really good posed up! Love it!
  • Rosquist
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    Rosquist polycounter lvl 4
  • Rosquist
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    Rosquist polycounter lvl 4
    Calling it done! This is some of the renders! More renders, breakdown and Marmoset Viewer over at Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/xW0P2

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