Hey guys,
Will be posting some of my mech animal stuff in this thead. Here's one I started working a couple a day ago, currently cleaning it up. I think it's easy to see, some strong inspiration from HZD here! I will be posting quite a bit when I have free time, as I love working on this stuff. Let me know if you got any questions at all. I always concept as I go in zbrush, so I don't really base this on any previous drawings, just on the animal references. This time I am working on a moose. You can see some of the parts are still in a blockout stage, and some are a bit more refined, might be a weird way of working for some of you, but this is how I keep myself entertained.

Didn't have much time on this, but the time that I did have, I spent on cleaning up the shapes and making sure everything connects more or less correctly. Also started to put down some colours, to keep it in the back of my mind what I want to separate and so on
Will be changing the upper part of front leg, there are a few too many holes with all different shapes, so they don't flow that well
Which colour scheme you prefer?
Here's a little update!
Actually for the time being I removed the green, but I might bring it back at the end. Kind of needed to look at this with fresh eyes. The cleanup is almost done, finished sorting out the legs.
Reworked the head a bit, made it flow a bit better
Enough of my spam for today!
Hey guys,
I think this is the final model, maybe missing a few more clean up areas, but mostly all there. Was super busy recently, so finished it up quite quickly. Might reduce some of the extreme saturated colours still, at the moment might be a bit too much. Let me know what you think! I also recorded my whole concepting/modelling process, hoping to share soon.
+ Quick black and white render
Couple color scheme options
Hey guys, sorry about no updates, been pretty busy with some other stuff. I am pretty much done with this, might do a few more adjustments to the color scheme still and polish some pieces.
I have recorded all of my process for this, and I want to ask you, would it be enough to just have a time-lapse with a voice-over on top explaining my workflow in the big picture, or would you be interested in some real-time videos going through over my techniques + time-lapse?
Also found this pretty awesome resource on robot design, for anyone interested. It goes through some of the mechanical joints and engineering
Here's a little mech porcupine I've done over the period of 2 weeks. Concepting done in zbrush and textures done in Substance Painter
Artstation link: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/lVV0Ge?commentId=2006779