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The Bad Sheriff.

polycounter lvl 12
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DEEPENDRA DEV JAISHI polycounter lvl 12

Project i started with Wild West challenge but unfortunately couldn't complete it due to lack of time :-( 
Anyways, now after a long struggle and daily 1hr of work during Lunch :-p , I am calling it done to the highpoly. 
Hope will start with Game-Res soon. 
Concept by an awesome artist IN SHOO, an Inspiring Artist. 
Link : https://www.artstation.com/inshoo 
Concept art : https://www.artstation.com/contests/wild-west/challenges/45/submissions/29902?sorting=survivors

Many thanks to my colleague for their support and special thanks to Aditya Chauhan for renders. 
Please follow his artwork to get inspired : https://www.artstation.com/jimmybones


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