Hi everybody. I got a strange problem with a file I am working on. I suddenly noticed 2 symptoms at once.
1. When working in UV window, the brush size varies dynamically depending on which area I hover my pen over, so it's constantly dancing. I guess I should look for these settings here:
But I never tweaked them and I suppose they always were like this by default and it was ok. (or at least I did not notice anything).
But even more annoying issue is
2. The padding in the paint mode suddenly shows incorrect behavior. When I try to paint anything on some (not all) parts of the model, I see the following:
Is there any setting I mistweaked occasionally and can't find it? And can these 2 issues be somehow connected together?
This happens ONLY in one file, new and old files I open work correctly. Also I tried to open this file on another computer with different SP version, and the problem remained there as well.
Thank you, and have a good day.
PS. I thought it should be mentioned. The padding between the shells on the unwrap is quite high (16pix between shells) and I think should be enough.
If you paint a lot in the 2D view, it's more practical to switch the brush size space to UV instead.
The seam issue is likely unrelated. Could you try switching the Padding setting to UV Space Neighbor in your texture set settings window and see if it fixed it?