So, I've been quite happy with how I've progressed along my studies in 3D and even though I'm currently working in some AAA projects as a 3D freelancer, the thing that most annoy me is I can't for the life of me communicate my ideas on paper by drawing.
I've come to a point where this is letting me down a lot, and I would really like to improve on this aspect. I never had much of a traditional background before starting out in 3D and I belive that strong foundations are necessary steps to improving.
Of course practice is going to be the only way to actually get good, but practice need to be driven and funneled to be most effective as time is money.
So I'm here asking what method would you advice to get some good foundations? what were your "alleljua" moments when you undertook the path to drawing 2d? what got you saying "if only I'd knew this before"?
Mostly looking for books or even podcasts that could guide me along in things that needs learning as I'm really stumped and literally have no idea where to go.
one thing about me is I really need to know WHY I'm doing something, I need to be clear on the process I'm following as I don't just want to do things mechanically because "someone else does them like this", so materials with this approach in mind would be preferrable

Take cheap drawing classes at a local community college or some equivalent to at least start. You can start winnowing down to more experienced courses later on.
Yes of course practice will usually make perfect, as with anything one decides is worthwhile doing although just a cautionary note that training from scratch implementing 2D techniques freehand may take sometime to yield steady progressive results whereas conversely with CG due to how digital content is generated, a relative novice can create output that looks 'finished' but lacks basic foundational artistic precepts.
I've addressed the topic in previous discussions which I believe will be beneficial for you to read.
Starting to learn to draw, i feel lost from start, how to start.
Should i bother with drawing? How to people make art like this?I ended up purchasing a copy of How to Draw by Scott Robertson and will be going through that.
Meanwhile I'll try and see if I can find some groups or course to follow along locally as it's probably going to be more productive to do it with other people!
I'll use it as an excuse to work on my social skills too which is never bad, working from home can get tiring!