Given that these are more human eyes than anything else, it's lacking the inner caruncle and a smooth almond eye hole shape.
The forehead horizontal wrinkles are far too straight: reads more mechanical than not.
The two large tusks protruding out of skin like that makes sense, but the tinier tusks just seem to be arbitrarily sticking out of his lips without a clear origin point. Either give them an origin point or tuck them under the upper lip.
What references were you using when you were making this?
I didn't use any particular concept art for this but i was looking at boar pics often while sculpting. Thanks for detailed critique. It gave me whole new eyes to see what i got wrong there. You are right about smaller tusks, i should give them origin point.
Regarding the skin texture, it seems way too uniform.
The forehead horizontal wrinkles are far too straight: reads more mechanical than not.
The two large tusks protruding out of skin like that makes sense, but the tinier tusks just seem to be arbitrarily sticking out of his lips without a clear origin point. Either give them an origin point or tuck them under the upper lip.
What references were you using when you were making this?