I have created new artworks to keep improving my skill in drawing and painting. I have created these illustration with different methods, like direct coloring and gray-scale with color layers and filters.
Feel free to leave a critique about my skill and works. I would really glad.
Artworks with various styles like manga, comics, concept arts, sketches etc.
I notice most of your girls have weird looking feet ,if I ware you I would spend some time just drawing feet in different poses ,for example in your nude girl forward foot is pretty much killing the whole piece -> its too long and misshapen
Probably legs are too short in this piece too , short legs big feet you get the picture
@carvuliero yes i think the leg and feet looks weird, also this is a old illustration, from 1 year ago. I have fixed my problem with leg drawings without using reference since that. But I still having problem drawings feets, I have to spend more time drawing feets and studying more its basic geometrics forms. Many thanks for you feedback!
I have one pdf about footwear - how shoes are made and bunch of different types of shoes + some feet anatomy I think will be helpful ,if you are interested let me know and will send you a link
you deserve a medal