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How can I create anime 3D models like Tokyo Ghoul Re:CTE and Persona 5?

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Yuri10k null
To ask in such broad terms might not be good but I would love to know how to go about starting to create something similar to what's in these pictures since they are such big goals for me. Especially the character modeling is something I would love to get right down pat!

Also, is it possible to achieve results like this with Blender and Zbrush?
Thanks for the help


  • Eric Chadwick
    Moved from General Discussion to Technical Talk where questions like these belong.

    Your topic could use a better title. 

    2. Try to be as specific as you can in the topic title. Summarize the exact problem you're having. Others who know the exact solution are more likely to click on your thread to help you out.

    3. Add a question mark to distinguish your thread as a call for help. Without a question mark it might be a thread that's sharing something you've learned. A question mark is a call to action, pulling people in who want to help.

    I hope this helps you.

  • Yuri10k
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    Yuri10k null
    Moved from General Discussion to Technical Talk where questions like these belong.

    Your topic could use a better title. 

    2. Try to be as specific as you can in the topic title. Summarize the exact problem you're having. Others who know the exact solution are more likely to click on your thread to help you out.

    3. Add a question mark to distinguish your thread as a call for help. Without a question mark it might be a thread that's sharing something you've learned. A question mark is a call to action, pulling people in who want to help.

    I hope this helps you.

    Thanks. I'll change the title.
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    For the meshes, I'd bet it's just basic block modeling. Probably no need for sculpting at all, but I don't really know. 

    The textures likely require a special shader. Assuming this is a video game you are referencing, that means you need a shader for whatever game engine you plan to work with.

    I think this style might fall under "cell-shading" style. You've got some materials in zbrush that will kind of mimic this look, so you could try modeling some basic humans and see how they appear with those matcaps applied in zbrush, just to get an idea. 

    You can definitely do this, because obviously somebody else has. What programs you use doesn't really matter. 
  • Eric Chadwick
  • Yuri10k
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    Yuri10k null
    For the meshes, I'd bet it's just basic block modeling. Probably no need for sculpting at all, but I don't really know. 

    The textures likely require a special shader. Assuming this is a video game you are referencing, that means you need a shader for whatever game engine you plan to work with.

    I think this style might fall under "cell-shading" style. You've got some materials in zbrush that will kind of mimic this look, so you could try modeling some basic humans and see how they appear with those matcaps applied in zbrush, just to get an idea. 

    You can definitely do this, because obviously somebody else has. What programs you use doesn't really matter. 

    Thanks. It was important for me to know I needed a specific shader for the game engine I was planning to work with. I'm planning to work with UE4 although I'd love to hear if, with an animation style like this, Unity would not see a big downgrade in graphics since the programing would be easier from what I was able to gather. (Although in all seriousness. Blueprints are awesome in UE4 although I would definitely like to be a bit more experimental about certain things.

    Thanks for the Zbrush idea. Would it be possible to export the shader either from blender or Zbrush and apply it to the UE4 character?

    And thanks overall for the feedback :)
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Yuri10k said:

    Would it be possible to export the shader either from blender or Zbrush and apply it to the UE4 character?

    No idea. Probably somebody has asked this before, and google could find that for you. 

    I meant to use it only as a means to get an idea how the mesh you create may look with that general style applied to it is all. For the shader, I'd bet either of the game engine asset stores probably have something available to suit your needs. 
  • Yuri10k
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    Yuri10k null
    Haha. I actually saw the interview they gave on how they created these animations but I was still far too fresh to fully understand how they made it so that was why I also decided to finally post my question regarding this issue. I thought maybe someone could share some information that might get me, at least, started on this path since at the time I don't even have an anime model I created, which demotivated me a little (I was making a very large tutorial with 40 parts about this)

    Do any of you think this tutorial is good or is it making something that is already somewhat complicated even more complicated. I was left with that question in my mind. 
    Just started reading the post link you sent and it looks amazing! Some comments might really be able to help out quite a lot. Thanks!

  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    I don't think there is a single tutorial on any subject in 3d that could be said to be comprehensive. Do them all. Everything you can find. You'll find some people easier to understand, you'll pick up multiple ways to do the same things, you'll discover more problems and troubleshoot more solutions... 
  • Yuri10k
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    Yuri10k null
    Yuri10k said:

    Would it be possible to export the shader either from blender or Zbrush and apply it to the UE4 character?

    No idea. Probably somebody has asked this before, and google could find that for you. 

    I meant to use it only as a means to get an idea how the mesh you create may look with that general style applied to it is all. For the shader, I'd bet either of the game engine asset stores probably have something available to suit your needs. 

    I know. I had researched that before and they really did have it although if possible I was trying not to use something I would have to spend a lot of money on (since I'm still a student). However this might be a case where buying the shader might be a great idea due to how complicated it might be to get it right. Still, I'll eventually do a more indept search on this topic. I just posted the question here since I already had made the reasearch and was left confused and without knowing where to start from.

    So I was really helped by just talking to someone about it and exposing my questions and doubts. Thanks for passing by here, you really helped out.
  • Yuri10k
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    Yuri10k null
    I don't think there is a single tutorial on any subject in 3d that could be said to be comprehensive. Do them all. Everything you can find. You'll find some people easier to understand, you'll pick up multiple ways to do the same things, you'll discover more problems and troubleshoot more solutions... 

    Haha, yes. I had made a post recently in my sketchbook about the tutorials I had been making this month in blender but sadly the post is awaiting to be curated since I edited it one too many times. (Still not sure when the moderators are going to allow it to be posted though.)
    So meanwhile you can check the tutorials I made here in my facebook page, since they are public.

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