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Designer - Random text character selection?

polycounter lvl 13
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Clark Coots polycounter lvl 13
I want to create a grid of random characters. I am new to functions and FXmap/Pixel Processor.

It's possible to chain together several tile gen/samplers with unique image inputs of different characters, but it seems overly complicated and a pain, especially if i want hundreds of characters.

Also thinking it may be useful to use ASCII and convert Int to Char if possible.

Is there a way to use the Text node as an image input but each grid sample creates a random character?


  • poopipe
    Online / Send Message
    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    This sort of thing is where substance falls down.   It's basically impossible to have dynamic length lists of inputs. 

    You could certainly crop the text node output and feed the result to an fx-map based node but you'll still have to define every single possible input to that node. 

    I expect you could use the automation toolkit to avoid the manual creation bit (haven't tried it) 
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