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Tips for building visual library for environment concept artist

looking for tips and exercises for building a visual library as an environment concept artist?. Also when doing studies should you try for 1 for 1 or close as possible without copying?. And does it matter when your photo bashing the final piece anyway? Thank you


  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter

    A bunch of relevant info here plus in answer to your queries no, it basically doesn't matter because you're referencing other idea's or visual cue's from memory/books/images...etc which principally is what the term means regardless how seemingly unique a given work represents when finalised also I'll add lasts a lifetime because you never quite fill every nook and cranny.

    Primarily I'd describe the process as a never ending river of material too source alongside a personal tip, learn to harness a key foundational artistic tenet - Observation.


    Feng Zhu, an accomplished artist I've followed for ages addresses the topic in more depth:


  • B_Will_Smith_Art
    Thank you very much, that was very helpful.
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