The head of the ship being the cylindrical top that it is lends the whole design feeling clunky and brusque, which I don't know if that's your intention? At least, the silhouette right now, I have a hard time immediately feeling that this is a fast ship.
The head of the ship being the cylindrical top that it is lends the whole design feeling clunky and brusque, which I don't know if that's your intention? At least, the silhouette right now, I have a hard time immediately feeling that this is a fast ship.
Well, this is not supposed to be a fast ship, that's why it as a moderate number of fighters. the fore section is the fighter bays, [Two Decks]. This ship is mainly a battleship, designed for brute force. Ill have full specs at a later time.
Yep those. Just the amount you added changes the scale of the ship visually. Something to think about is are you going 'sci-fi' where its mostly smooth surfaces, or like Halo where the whole entire thing is covered in hull plates? Depending on your goal for this, this is one of those projects that could take you a long while just by itself. Depending on detail level.
Yep those. Just the amount you added changes the scale of the ship visually. Something to think about is are you going 'sci-fi' where its mostly smooth surfaces, or like Halo where the whole entire thing is covered in hull plates? Depending on your goal for this, this is one of those projects that could take you a long while just by itself. Depending on detail level.
Hummm..honestly I was thinking something close to Babylon 5 scale, where they are rougher looking. So the detail will be higher.
I'll remark for myself your overall design decision with this ship leaves me wanting, but I think that speaks more to my interest in Homeworld style spacecraft than Battlestar's. The overall silhouette could have a more attractive form/assertion to it.
The thing is that you post single image, little updates, not astonishing visually (yet).. Difficult to build anything on that we will need more to speak about And definitely, the post up there ^ Explain the situation well.. Personally, when some of my posts didn't have any reply, i just took it as a challenge like "it wasn't good enough to astonish; let's do better next time to get a few comments!!"
The other situation is if you need help/ask question or are doing something really bad (you'll be amazed by the numbers of answers then) but i don't think it's your case here.
Definitely looking more like a battleship size cruiser. Only thing I see is that with all the tiny detail you have scattered across the ship, the dark grey hex panels look a little smooth.
Take a few close up shots of those gun batteries/turrets ! More close up shots of the engines, of the hangars, of the bridge, or whatever that seem more interesting than the zoom-out shot of the whole ship itself.
Same thing with posting for characters... Silhouette shot is good, but so is mug shot on the face, on the shoulder armors, belt, boots, etc etc.
I'm still not on board with the design. Just sort of looks boring to look at. Even the BSG cruiser ship had some curves.
Assuming you're done with this, I hope you spend more time on the concept design stage for the next one.
That's ok...not everyone likes the same thing..its cool. I guess I think outside the box more then others. My next project will be on the Hollow Moon Theory, truly fascinating concept.
How do the guns shoot at a vector that's straight above them?
Something to think about is are you going 'sci-fi' where its mostly smooth surfaces, or like Halo where the whole entire thing is covered in hull plates?
Depending on your goal for this, this is one of those projects that could take you a long while just by itself. Depending on detail level.
I'll remark for myself your overall design decision with this ship leaves me wanting, but I think that speaks more to my interest in Homeworld style spacecraft than Battlestar's. The overall silhouette could have a more attractive form/assertion to it.
The other situation is if you need help/ask question or are doing something really bad (you'll be amazed by the numbers of answers then) but i don't think it's your case here.
Same thing with posting for characters... Silhouette shot is good, but so is mug shot on the face, on the shoulder armors, belt, boots, etc etc.
Assuming you're done with this, I hope you spend more time on the concept design stage for the next one.
My next project will be on the Hollow Moon Theory, truly fascinating concept.