Looks great, nice material and light setup. The whole grenade looks very chubby but I dont really understand the top row of bumps, I dont think they would add much to the fragmentation since theyre separated from the explosives.
I really like the bent-metal handle, looks very industrial. Its a bit hard to tell what the front hole is for, it could be for weight reduction but the positioning seems too indicate that there should be something there connecting it to the centre. If it was a stadium shaped hole it would work better imho (if its just for weight reduction). The (screw?) hole looks weird without anything in it, doesnt look like the base is securely attached. Imho it looks weird to have the base of the handle in two parts without any obvious way to attach it.
The whole grenade looks very chubby but I dont really understand the top row of bumps, I dont think they would add much to the fragmentation since theyre separated from the explosives.
I really like the bent-metal handle, looks very industrial. Its a bit hard to tell what the front hole is for, it could be for weight reduction but the positioning seems too indicate that there should be something there connecting it to the centre. If it was a stadium shaped hole it would work better imho (if its just for weight reduction).
The (screw?) hole looks weird without anything in it, doesnt look like the base is securely attached.
Imho it looks weird to have the base of the handle in two parts without any obvious way to attach it.
Just some feedback, the model is good overall
All I care is that It looks good.