Hey all,
I have just finished university and I am currently studying at CGMA on Clinton Crumpler's UE4 Modularity course. I am currently working as a Localization QA Tester at one of the major publishers in my area. The job in itself is okay, however it is minimum wage and zero hour contract therefore it has no stability and it will be almost impossible for me to rent a flat in the next few months.
I am looking for Junior/Internship positions as a Environment Artist however, I feel that my portfolio is not ready therefore I am working on it to make sure that by the end of the year I will have a few really good pieces.
I recently got offered a position as a remote Customer Service Specialist (I worked as this role in my previous job) for a company in Australia. I would get paid a better wage, with set hours and contract and get to work from home. However this position is not as flexible as my current job.
My question is would you keep on working in a environment that's somewhat industry related and try to get in from the inside or change jobs to a better paying one and keep working on the portfolio in my free time after work? I just graduated so my mind is absolute chaos. I would like to hear your opinion and advice.
My portfolio if you would like to see it however, as I mentioned I don't feel it is ready for junior/intern positions.
https://www.konradbialowas.comThank you so much!

I left QA way back. I was under contract (I want to say I had 3-4 months left on my contract), and I put in my 2 weeks. It was under the agency, and not under the studio. I remember my reasons were for "personal reasons," but it was that I wanted to work on my portfolio more, focus on freelance stuff, and was concerned that I wasn't going anywhere in QA. I had a similar situation. It was minimum wage, wasn't guaranteed if I'd be brought on full-time, the over-time can be intense, and I wasn't surrounded with artists. Some wanted to break in other departments, but many were fine where they were.
If it's a financial reason, then sure, it would make sense to aim for the Customer Service Specialist job. You don't necessarily have to deal with getting up and going to work lol that time does add up. Oh, if it's not game-related.. I don't see how that would affect you. I think it just all boils down to time, and if you have time to work on your portfolio. I quit twice, almost for the same reasons lol.
(Left a few other small on-site jobs before, but that's separate, not industry-related)
The 1st one was that one, after QA, for portfolio and freelance. ~Only lasted about a month, before jumping to film/vfx. It was the only artist job that was available at the time, and above minimum-wage, so I jumped in on that.
The 2nd on was literally that job that I joined lol, in film/vfx. I wanted to focus on my portfolio again, and this time, with no freelance work lol. ~Lasted about 7 months of living off of savings in my apartment. I got an offer for a remote job (3D related) right when I was packing my stuff to move back home.
I think all you need is just time. The job can be anything, it's just the schedule and time that you need.
You already have pieces to show what you're capable of, with studies and practices.
Eventually, you'll be making other stuff, from concept or through references, but you're at a good start.
I can see you were nearly in the same position as me haha. my only problem is that i live in London and the living costs here are extreme therefore I am thinking that QA has absolutely no benefits except somehow being connected to the industry - even though our art studio is located 40 miles away from where I work. I think I will take up the CSS role just because it gives me financial comfort and gives me more time and headspace to focus working on my course and portfolio pieces as after my hours finish I can open Maya and UE4 and bang out more work. It's nice to hear words like yours and hear some great success stories! Best of luck to you bro!