https://www.artstation.com/afsoftI just need your comments about my portfolio. what do you think about my skills? what is the next step? thanks.
i have to ask, do you see any future for my production? as a cinematic's artist, what should i learn? what is the big step before the big jump?
i hope the topic is in the right place?
Right now you have 2D work, Some props rendered in a real-time enging, you have some texture work, some animation, some logo work
So I'd first think of what you want to do, like for exemple if you want to be a great environement modeler for cinematic just find one of the best and do what he does.
Then I'll throw away everything on your portfolio that is not close to what a environement artist in a production'd do and start fresh, not because it's not good but because it's not aiming toward what you want to be.
But if you mean cinematic artist like a layout / camera animation guy, just forget everything I just said !
thanks Burpee. if i wanted to be a camera director or cinematic's producer, what would you say? like only focusing on this stuff :
you know, i mean if there is no art to be camera, there is no cinematics. thats simple. so this makes me to focus on both environment art and cinematic's
Right now i am a producer. which means i produce cinematic's but in far sight, i wanna be a cinematic's director.