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(ZBrush) Masking brush loses...pressure?

polycounter lvl 2
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teatimejess polycounter lvl 2
Hello! I'm having a super bizarre problem and I've asked around but haven't been able to pin down a solution, so here I am. I'm using ZBrush 2018 and an XPPen 15.6. I'd like to note that I'm fairly new to ZBrush.

Essentially, every time I try to do a mask it works for the first few strokes (on restart of the program) then nearly completely loses opacity/pressure, to the point I'm jabbing my tablet pen into the screen and it's still not enough to bring it to normal levels. It only occurs with the masking brush (every other tool is fine) and only in ZBrush. I've checked into pen pressure settings and check my intensity and those have been fine as well. Using a mouse works normally. So I'm not sure what is causing the issue since it's so specific and I'm scratching my head for a solution.

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