Hello all,
If anyone wouldn't mind having a little gander at my portfolio and giving some honest feedback I'd very much appreciate it!
The 'thick skin' jacket has been put on so please be brutal
https://www.artstation.com/chrislambert I'd love to work as a world builder/level designer (with a slight preference to open world design). What things do I really need to be focusing on and improving?
My overall experience is rather limited at the minute - I only really know the Far Cry 5 editor. However, I'm away for 3 months in the US soon and won't have my PC to work on maps, but I've got Unreal and blender running on my laptop so I was thinking, rather than not doing anything, I could try and learn some skills in those whilst I'm away. Would that be useful?
Thanks for any help in advance!
Regarding your portfolio, are you making any of your own assets, or are you just focusing on level design?
The levels so far are design only. No custom assets.
I do plan on getting accustomed with asset creation and texturing though, as I can only assume it's good knowledge to have!
Would you say that being skilled in a specific area of modelling is better than trying to do a bit of everything?
And any advice for best areas to start in?
Working in an editor and world building is great experience! right now there are kinda 2 paths you can take to go further down that path, I would say you could show more of your level design drawings and though process and attempt to go the level designer route, or start showing reference images and matching photos with what you are re-creating if you are passionate about the artistic side of things.
learning the art production pipeline will also really help you understand things like performance management and help with giving you more experience in game art production in general. There are a few studios like ubisoft that have positions where you world build all day and dont actually make art, and those kinda jobs are becoming more common, especially in montreal and vancouver.
but yea, learn everything you can it ony helps you be more relevant.
I'm currently finishing 2 other projects right now, one of which I've gone a lot further into the level design side (structure, paths, encounter spaces etc) which I'll be able to show.
So after those are done, I will aim at showing some reference material and my re-creation in-game. The artistic side of things is probably what I'm most passionate about.
I'm excited, I already have ideas haha.
That's music to my ears about Ubisoft, that would be a dream!
I've worked as a World Builder for the majority of my career, but the ability to quickly create simple props or retool existing ones has helped me add a lot of unique flavor to my areas. Likewise experience building levels will give some insight into what features make a prop difficult to work with (open backsides, weird pivots, super low-rez UVs on the bottom). Plus knowing both skills opens up more career options.
I would advise the OP that if you're going the Art route over Design, keep in mind that your portfolio will be judged primarily on its visuals. You wont need to make entire maps. One well composed still can be enough to show off you ability to create an attractive scene. It's also OK to use props you didn't create, just be sure to credit their source. It's better that you call it out loudly up front than have to clarify it during an interview someday. Also, remember that responsibility for what you put into the scene is yours. Choosing assets that look good and (more importantly) mesh well together into a nice looking scene will speak to your aesthetic judgement.
Good luck with your projects.
I'm currently only using the Far Cry 5 Editor, would you suggest learning and showcasing a different engine? Or is it enough (for what I aim to do) to keep using the same editor?
And thanks for the good luck!
Post the artwork here, not a link to somewhere else. This is a forum, not twitter or facebook.
(All assets are a part of the FC Editor).
If you were looking to get into Unreal level design, those might be a good jump off point as they'll already have a bunch of great assets. Especially Squad as it looks like you've got a good idea about warfare themed maps.
That will be a fantastic help