Hello guys and girls,
After a year at Ubisoft as Junior Environment Artist, I decided to start a new project in which to apply everything I learned, from composition to light and textures. I came across a very interesting concept made by Philip Varbanov, called "Beach Bunny Van" and after I got his approval, I started to make a blockout and at the same time some highpoly for props.
I'll make an update every day with new stuff, problems and if I have time I'll make some videos showing how I made different props, textures or effects in the EU4
Until then, I'll leave here Philip's concept and the pretty rough blockout I've done.

I made the lowpoly and the normal map for the penny board. I will texture it after I decide what color palette I want to use. Here are some screenshots from Painter.
Arstation Blog Post for Marmoset Viewer: https://www.artstation.com/vasilesco/blog/NQEL/8252018beach-bunny-van-ue4-environment-art
The concept looks cool. I see you already started with the props and textures.
Are you done with the block out? what style are you going to follow Semi-realistic, Stylize or realistic? once the style is final then we can go with the proportions and everything.
What I will suggest finish the block out first. create the list of the assets and create placeholder models according to the size and proportions. Place them in the unreal scene according to the concept. Try to follow the concept as close as possible.
maybe you are already done with all those things. I am guessing all from what you have posted. why I am forcing to finalize the style before because it will help you late to make everything look uniform. either you can follow the concept closely if you are not comfortable with a particular style.
Like for the skateboard you have posted is totally different from the concept. Both proportions and Style wise. Laso for the table and chair have different scales. Many props are missing.
I won't say more at this stage as you will post some updated screenshot. Kindly post one screenshot in the same camera angle also. Why I am saying all things now only because it is very crucial to plan everything earlier then hassle later.
Hope it will help.
The narative right now is this: Three friends were in California to surf and one of them had a shark accident ( in the screenshots you can see the surfboard that has a big shark bite). And after this shark attack they run with their friend to the first hospital and leave everything behind ( a bottle of beer from which is dripping some liquid, a joint (cigarette) that is still burning, the boombox that is singing some 80' songs and so on.
Right now I'm working on the exterior of the camper.
The shaders are just to have an idea and I will change when the whol composition will be done.
Here are some screenshots: