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Lost Tanker

polycounter lvl 11
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AtomicArmy polycounter lvl 11
Just got done with making an old tanker in the desert, everything is render in Marmoset toolbag 3. I also used Lightwave, zBrush, and substance designer and painter. Hope you enjoy. :smile:


  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    The fog/sand storm is a bit too dense. It would be great if the closer part of the ship was much clearer than the distant part, and if you had closer renders. Your current render makes me want to see the metal and damage up close!
  • AtomicArmy
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    AtomicArmy polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah, I agree with you, sometimes I get carried away with effects. xD I also adding a sandstorm on one of them to see the difference.

    Here are the new pictures:

  • CybranM
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    CybranM interpolator
    I think you need to scale the scratches and detail texture way down, currently it clashes with the sense of scale for the ship. 

    I think the sand ridges on this piece should be aligned to the rest of the dunes, the wind is coming from the same direction for all of it. You could try to bend the UVs so it looks like the wind is being forced around the superstructure of the ship.

    It might be interesting to have a small silhouette standing next to the ship, maybe with a herd of camels.
  • Verts
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    Verts null
    Good model! But you really need another focal element to make this even more awesome as cybran already said. A silhouette sounds good. You could make it really far in the distance so that your desert really feels big, how a desert should feel. It would also balance your picture, because maybe on the left would be the ship and in the distance a silhouette, maybe even a human silhouette. That would really balance the picture since well you have something big to the right but a small human silhouette to the left and since we humans are drawn to human shapes (obviously) that would really balance it. A different light mood could also be cool. Maybe sunset something like that? I think long shadows would look great with the dunes. Also i wouldnt recommend to use depth of field like that. It makes your ship feel like a mini toy. Overall well done!
  • AtomicArmy
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    AtomicArmy polycounter lvl 11
    Thank you for the suggestions! I will most definitely fix it to scale, change the sand directions, and add a person or camels in the scene. :smiley:
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