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[Solved] Maya Script problems- New rig swap?

polycounter lvl 9
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DigitalSprocket polycounter lvl 9
Never mind, I decided to do some learning on Maya's site and found some basic commands to achieve exactly what I wanted. It was pretty simple on the coding side too.

I have a lot of basic character models that I am re-skinning with a new rig. Super basic models that only require parenting each object to the new bones provided. I figured instead of manually parenting each object to each bone I could make a script since all the characters have the same naming convention for each object and bone (ie. head, upper arm lt, upper arm rt, etc).

I did a simple "Echo all commands" to make a script which worked once but has not worked since (and there's 1841 lines of code, not efficient I'm sure). The script will parent the first object but will not continue to select the next object/bone on down the character. Sometimes I get no error and sometimes I get an error saying that it cannot find a texture. Either way it only parents the first object.

I'm not a coder by any means so is there a script out there that can handle this type of rig swapping/parenting specific objects to certain bones? Or can someone help me with the code to fix my script?

Thank you.

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