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create blinn material button - MEL

polycounter lvl 8
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jayantbhatt007 polycounter lvl 8

Hi I want to create a button for blinn material using MEL. As you can see in the image. Just I want to add only blinn material rest off them I will create it by myself. 





  • sprunghunt
    Offline / Send Message
    sprunghunt polycounter
    you want : shadingNode -asShader blinn;
  • jayantbhatt007
    Offline / Send Message
    jayantbhatt007 polycounter lvl 8
    yes, sir but how can I assign a button to this command line. I tried but I couldn't do it.

  • oglu
    Offline / Send Message
    oglu polycount lvl 666
    i would use the shift+t shortcut.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
  • jayantbhatt007
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    jayantbhatt007 polycounter lvl 8
    oglu said:
    i would use the shift+t shurtcut...
    here is my script I want to assign that blinn material in my script also as you can see in the image.

    // delete window if it exists
    if ( `window -exists jayantsWindow` ) {
          deleteUI jayantsWindow;

    // create a window with a menu bar

    window -title "3DGhost" -menuBar true -w 220 -h 200 jayantsWindow;
    // two frame layouts will be laid out in a columna
    // create a collapsible frame layout
    frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Shapes";

    // create a tearOff menu
    menu -label "File" -tearOff true;
    // add the menu items
    menuItem -label "New" -command "NewScene";
    menuItem -label "Open" -command "OpenScene";
    menuItem -label "Save" -command "SaveScene";
    menuItem -divider true -command "SaveScene";
    menuItem -label "Quit" -command "quit";
    // add a help menu
    menu -label "Help" -helpMenu true;
    menuItem -label "Help" -command "Help";
    // add a help menu
    menu -label "Credit" -helpMenu true;
    menuItem -label "Jayant bhatt";

    // add the other controls
    flowLayout -columnSpacing 1 -w 220 -h 40;
        // create three symbol buttons with related mel command
    symbolButton -image "cube.xpm" -command "polyCube";
    symbolButton -image "sphere.xpm" -command "CreatePolygonSphere";
    symbolButton -image "plane.xpm" -command "CreatePolygonPlane";
    symbolButton -image "cylinder.xpm" -command "CreatePolygonCylinder";
    symbolButton -image "circle.xpm" -command "CreateNURBSCircle";
    symbolButton -image "text.xpm" -command "CreatePolygonType";
    setParent ..;
    setParent ..;
    // three frame layouts will be laid out in a column
    // create a collapsible frame layout
    frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Options";
    // define the layout of controls added 
    // to the window.
    // add the other controls
    flowLayout -columnSpacing 1 -w 220 -h 40;
    // create a couple of buttons
    symbolButton -image "CenterPivot.png" -command "CenterPivot";
    symbolButton -image "multiCut_NEX32.png" -command "dR_multiCutTool";
    symbolButton -image "polyCircularize.png" -command "PolyCircularize";
    symbolButton -image "detach.png" -command "DetachComponent";
    symbolButton -w 35 -h 35 -image "addCreateGeneric_100.png" -command "CombinePolygons";
    symbolButton -w 35 -h 35 -image "mergeConnections.png" -command "CombinePolygons";
                        setParent ..;
                       setParent ..;
                       setParent ..;

    // create a collapsible frame layout
    frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Constraint";
    // add the other controls
    flowLayout -columnSpacing 5 -w 220 -h 40;

    symbolButton -w 30 -h 30 -image "edges_NEX.png" -command "toolPropertyShow";

    symbolButton -w 30 -h 30 -image "hyper_s_ON.png" -command "manipMoveSetXformConstraint edge";

    symbolButton -w 30 -h 30 -image "hyper_s_OFF.png" -command "manipMoveSetXformConstraint none";

                       setParent ..;
                       setParent ..;
                       setParent ..;                


    showWindow jayantsWindow;

  • oglu
    Offline / Send Message
    oglu polycount lvl 666
  • sprunghunt
    Offline / Send Message
    sprunghunt polycounter
    Just that command will create a material without a shading group. You want to create a new shading group and add the material to it. 

    1. shadingNode -asUtility shadingEngine<br>connectAttr (blinn.outColor) (blinnSG.surfaceShader);<br><div>sets -e -forceElement blinnSG;</div>
    That's the general idea.
    You'll need to make the above code work properly by using variables. 
  • Obscura
    Offline / Send Message
    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    oglu said:
    im hunted now.

  • jayantbhatt007
    Offline / Send Message
    jayantbhatt007 polycounter lvl 8
    Just that command will create a material without a shading group. You want to create a new shading group and add the material to it. 

    1. shadingNode -asUtility shadingEngine<br>connectAttr (blinn.outColor) (blinnSG.surfaceShader);<br><div>sets -e -forceElement blinnSG;</div>
    That's the general idea.
    You'll need to make the above code work properly by using variables. 
    // Error: Line 2.52: Invalid use of Maya object "blinnSG.surfaceShader".
  • sprunghunt
    Offline / Send Message
    sprunghunt polycounter
    // Error: Line 2.52: Invalid use of Maya object "blinnSG.surfaceShader".
    Yes I know it's not working code like that. Eg that line should probably look more like:

    1. connectAttr ($myBlinn + ".outColor") ($myBlinnSG + ".surfaceShader");

    but if I told you exactly how to do it you'd never learn anything ;-)
  • jayantbhatt007
    Offline / Send Message
    jayantbhatt007 polycounter lvl 8
    Yes I know it's not working code like that. Eg that line should probably look more like:

    1. connectAttr ($myBlinn + ".outColor") ($myBlinnSG + ".surfaceShader");

    but if I told you exactly how to do it you'd never learn anythinH

    Hahaha I really love your trick... :)
    thanks for your help. 
    I'm super noob.
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