Hello. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.
I recently updated my primary website with examples of the studio work I've done the last few years. I've added a lot of information and I'd like to present it in the most effective way possible.
These are some questions I'm hoping to hear some honest and critical feeback on, but I'll gladly keep an open ear for anything you'd like to discuss.
- Is the supplementary text easily understandable? Does it provide you with adequate context to the images?
- Is there too much exposition? Is information lacking in certain areas?
- How does it feel browsing the site on different platforms? Should the formatting be improved?
- And finally: generally speaking, what is your take-away from viewing my site? How do I come off to you as an artist? As a developer? Heck, as a person? :]
Make the text smaller, just like here and leave some space after each paragraph and before the next image