Here's my current work in progress for my latest piece, and I would to hear your critiques before I get too far. This character will be very similar to the beefed up Barbarians in Diablo III, with the heavy armor to match. Let me know what suggestions. Thanks!
IMO he looks really "puffy" or "swollen" what references have you been looking at interms of your anatomy? I feel that you might benefit from taking a step back and really clean up your forms, dont worry about surface details yet, focus on getting those forms down right
Opinions are wanted. I'm using bodybuilders who are known steroid users for anatomy references. But, I can tone it down. Some of those guys do use Synthol oil, which makes them "puffy". I wanted him to look hulking and over the top. Thanks you!
Could you share some references so we can offer a better critique? It'd help to see what you're trying to match. The armor looks nice, what weapon will he be wielding?
Regarding your anatomy, it needs some work. First, please don't jump into putting micro detail like wrinkles and veins. Worry about nailing down your basic large shapes first. The knees, feet, hands, and face could use some work. I'd suggest finishing this character out and start a new character from scratch, you'll improve faster that way
Regarding your anatomy, it needs some work. First, please don't jump into putting micro detail like wrinkles and veins. Worry about nailing down your basic large shapes first. The knees, feet, hands, and face could use some work. I'd suggest finishing this character out and start a new character from scratch, you'll improve faster that way
And I'm Asian.
Who's face(s) are you specifically referencing?>