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UE4 Playable Environment - sunLite Industries

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Flaminbeef null
Hi guys and gals, 

This is my latest UE4 environment - sunLite Industries. 

This is a Sci-Fi office environment based in a cityscape that is completely modular. It is totally different to what I have made before but I had a blast doing it. Everything was made purely with 3DS Max, Photoshop and Quixel's NDO. Also this is a playable environment available for download if you fancy having a run around in it! The download link can be found on my artstation page: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/2EJqA

This project took me about a couple of months as I was learning whilst creating. I made this with the help of Thiago Klafke's tutorial on building modular environments and what he has taught me has been invaluable! I'd highly suggest you guys check it out if you're a junior environment artist looking to learn some new methods. Link to his tutorial can be found here: http://www.unreal4environments.com/

I hope you guys like it, and I'd love to hear some feedback or critique! 


  • Flaminbeef
    One more image I forgot to include!
  • jamecz
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    jamecz polycounter lvl 6
    Oooh, this is so nice and clean, almost reminds me of portal. I think my only critique would be to add a little more props, for example on the exterior, maybe a little more trash, water puddles, generators, rails, more variations in advertisements on the buildings, etc. Not so much to make it cyberpunk but just enough to make it look a little worked in. And maybe on the inside just more things like trashcans, signs, story elements, etc. The space feels very wide, which isnt a bad thing per say, but it just feels a little sparse.
  • Flaminbeef
    Thanks dude I appreciate it! I am glad that you like it :) I agree with you, I've been thinking its missing something and I think you're exactly right that it's feeling a little sparse. Need to add some extra bits to really make it feel like it's lived/worked in and people are actually using it every day. Also it is pretty void of story elements so that could be an interesting route to take to give the scene a bit more character. Thank you very much for the feedback! :)
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