I appreciate you posting looking for feedback, but it's incumbent upon you to do a bit more work before turning to the audience for review. I'm looking forward to seeing updates from you.
I appreciate you posting looking for feedback, but it's incumbent upon you to do a bit more work before turning to the audience for review. I'm looking forward to seeing updates from you.
Thanks for the answer, if it wasn't you I'd probably keep doing the same mistake appreciate it, and will try harder next time. I just wanted to know wheter I am going in a right direction since other people's opinions are always going to be more critical and biased.
Muscle insertion points arne't being defined. As said before, you've got a turbosmoothed model: mostly everything is reading smooth and undefined.
Thanks for the feedback! I sure will pay attention to that!!! But while doing that I was trying to creat an avarage skinny "Joe" which is not super ripped and muscular enough to see all the muscles well like on some bodybuilder. What do you think ?
It'll help you and I if you had some sort of reference iamge(s) you're pulling from, since you're envisioning in your head a very specific type of physical body.
It'll help you and I if you had some sort of reference iamge(s) you're pulling from, since you're envisioning in your head a very specific type of physical body.
I appreciate you posting looking for feedback, but it's incumbent upon you to do a bit more work before turning to the audience for review. I'm looking forward to seeing updates from you.
I just wanted to know wheter I am going in a right direction since other people's opinions are always going to be more critical and biased.
Muscle insertion points arne't being defined. As said before, you've got a turbosmoothed model: mostly everything is reading smooth and undefined.