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Citizen I ( Done)

polycounter lvl 2
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aanselmo polycounter lvl 2
Final Result

Giving a rest on my main character (https://polycount.com/discussion/190549/character-wip-tracker-critiques-are-welcome#latest) to not get tired of working on it and working on a bust based on Arthur Gurin concept (https://www.deviantart.com/otomozok/art/Citizen-I-573419692)

I have recorded all the process so far and I will do the cloth, goggles and hair, just not sure if I will record it all.
Any feedback is welcome


  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Can you post side view can really tell how much his head is turn down
    Maybe try to reduce some of the head width his face look almost square like capsule
    There is a big hole where temporalish should be , you have to define zygomatic bone more in the front plane
  • aanselmo
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    aanselmo polycounter lvl 2
    Thanks @carvuliero I will tackle those points, I was trying to follow the concept but is a bit hard without other views. Here is the sides
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Taking a closer look at reference his head might not be turn down at all , just point of view is above his head and you have to compensate for that -> longer face shorter forehead
    You can treat this as relief setting up fix camera can help with achieving likeness

  • aanselmo
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    aanselmo polycounter lvl 2
    You are right about the camera angle, didn't noticed that. I will later render it on keyshot so I will keep that in mind and fix the zygomatics. thanks @carvuliero
  • aanselmo
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    aanselmo polycounter lvl 2
    I Forgot to post the progress here :/  some here are some shots of the cloth and a provisory hair sculpt to get the feeling

  • aanselmo
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    aanselmo polycounter lvl 2
    Here it is the hair. Been learning xgen from Tom Newbury gumroad tutorial, it's easy to follow and get the hang of it quickly. 
    The renders are with just a quick Arnold shader I need to improve it more later. might do the final render on maya

  • aanselmo
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    aanselmo polycounter lvl 2
    Hey Artists, I need you feedback. So for those who may follow my post I am doing this character and my next task was texture. I am trying to get the hang of skin texture by hand using Substance Painter and I wanted to know if there is anything I could improve here, I have tons of references from scan photos to, other people work. This is in 4k, going to render this in arnold. The final result should be in soft sepia to match the reference used but I wanted to texture the skin as real as possible.
    Hope someone can help :)
  • aanselmo
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    aanselmo polycounter lvl 2
    First Arnold Skin renders. This is my first time using arnold to render a character, still have a lot to learn, mainly in skin and eye (not sure why but from side view I could not get that distortion effect on the eye) but I am quite happy with the result
    Any feedback is welcome 

  • aanselmo
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    aanselmo polycounter lvl 2
    Here are the final shots, all render in arnold
    For more come to my artstation : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/DxxZOO

  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Good job , is this final version ?
    Most look good for a weird guy like he is but I have problem with his teeth too round and too identical also his ears have some wide shapes like it was stung by a bee 
    Maybe do few ear studies , its pretty simple once you know the basic shapes and planes
  • aanselmo
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    aanselmo polycounter lvl 2
    Yeah it's the final. The teeth I got from other artist since I didn't wanted to make them xD but they might be a bit out of center. And the ear I agree with you, other person told me almost the same, I might work on it later if I have time to render all the shots again. they took me around 2h each. But i think it was just this model, normally I dont have much problem with the ears
    Thanks @carvuliero, you are the best person here :smiley:

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