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ZBrush pointy peaks problem

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GSpa96 node
Hello guys, I'm new and I'm a student. Can somebody tell me a quick way to fix these pointy peaks in zbrush? I used the zmodeller and extruded, and this is what happened. I creased after doing the extrusions because I found out that doing it before makes it even messier. 
I guess these problems are due to the move brush before hand. Is there a way to fix it properly or do I have to go in max to delete the useless polygroups and adjust the angles of the mesh?

Thanks in advance!


  • kanga
    Online / Send Message
    kanga quad damage
    I cant actually see the problem clearly. I am not sure where the 'peaks' are. Normally you would just space your verts with the move brush. The brush gets wiggy sometimes so you just have to reset all brushes (for that session) under the brush menu.
  • GSpa96
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    GSpa96 node
    Thanks for your answer. I meant these peaks here: 

    I fixed the problem by deleting the messy parts and extruding again inward. What I meant is, in the process of modelling, should I do something to avoid to create these kind of things or is it just normal in this way?
    I am pretty sure this is due to the use of the move brush, which basically bend some verts and you can see the problems when actually extruding, the faces go inside one another then. Any pro trick for this? Maybe a non destructive polish brush?
    Thanks in advance :)
  • kanga
    Online / Send Message
    kanga quad damage
    I dunno. Probably the best way would be to move the edges into place while extruding. You could test it in Max to see if the same thing occurs. Its really a good idea to model in ZB. Some things go with more difficulty but then you have those fab tools and techniques that yield fantastic results.
  • GSpa96
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    GSpa96 node
    I agree, I fixed between Max and Zbrush and I love how the design is coming out.
    I can't really stand with the topology brush to create geometry in zbrush, it's really not for me, but the zpheres are a very good system, even if messy in the beginning but easily fixable.
     I will post the model for feedback when the modelling part will be "done". Thanks for your help!
  • kanga
    Online / Send Message
    kanga quad damage
    The retopo brush is ok. It's just getting used to it. Here is a concept I am busy with. I am using everything from extraction to the modeling brush and all the stuff between. ZBrush opens everything up as far as experimentation goes and its the bees knees for roughing out ideas.

  • sin10001
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    sin10001 null
    Kanga - 
    Just to chime in, in the future, you can use the smoothing or polishing functions in the Deformation (Tool) tab.  This is especially helpful when projecting between two iterations of an undetailed model.
    You can also invert-mask the problem area in cases where the surrounding geometry is complex and/or you wouldn't want smoothed. 
    Move brush is definitely the best, though =D

    Looks great!
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