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Stylized Modeling for Video Game and Presentation

polycounter lvl 8
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Priabudiman polycounter lvl 8
Hello all,

thank you so much for reading this post. I just get back to practicing my 3D modeling again, and i just recently found a workflow that i finally get comfortable with.

As far as style goes, i found that ,modeling stylized things suits me perfectly to adapt from my 2D background, so i want to present my latest finished simple models, (some of them are messed up)

Note : 
Runestone and Axe I modeled straight from sculpt and then retopologized.The gun, i start from a low poly base mesh, sculpt it a bit and use the base mesh as low poly to be projected.

I’m looking forward to your suggestion and inputs on how can i improve myself in the future.




Please feel free to let me know what i do wrong, from modeling, topology, materials, everything. Looking forward to improve myself more, and many thanks for your inputs and helps.


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