I'm a second-year college student taking game development, and for the project, we had to make something that was historic but also can be creative. My approach was the Egyptian theme. When I hand in the project I wasn't satisfied with some of the errors with UV mapping, and as well as textures were really stretched out when I find using Substance Painter. I set up my materials with only one material and relied on using masks in Substance Painter to fill in the necessary areas so when import into UE4 will be clean and more organized. Though when doing so when I realized that normal maps be way to bumpy, loses its quality in the engine. My professor who works with Ubisoft recommends that use vertex painting in UE4 rather than using Painter because of when tiling the texture will lose it resolution quality. Rather pull the UV 2 times the size on the outside so can have higher resolution and vertex paint to maintain quality. I love Substance painter but, however, doesn't like the UV maps being on the outside once so ever, and of course, can go up to 8k but sounds like be way too much performance for a prop. If anyone knows a better approach with Substance Painter and how to have high quality without having too many materials onto one static mesh I'll take notes!
Just recently I went back to the project to fix everything up and now added into my portfolio.
More or less of the story here is the project and would love to hear feedback from.
Thanks for your time

Looks too fresh and too celtic.