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Character WIP / highpoly stage

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Dudikof null
Hello everyone. I'm new here. Nice to meet you :)
Recently i was working on a character inspired by my friend's comic books.


I've sculpted the base mesh and the armor. I will be retopologizing him by now and i kind of don't know how to approach it.
Should i make it into one object? Two (Basemesh/Armor)? Or every single subtool as retopologized mesh?
Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Have a nice day :>


  • Stefmon
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    Stefmon polycounter lvl 8

    For a character made up of different segments and materials like yours you could split em up into components and re-topologise each component individually. The body itself along with the trousers can be one component. Then helmet, arm bracers, hands, leg shin plates, boots and torso armour can be separate components.
    If you have a body underneath the clothing,  you can delete anything that will never be seen (e.g. legs under trousers) before re-topologising. If you have a face below the helmet you can keep that if it's important, or re-topo it as something low detail.
    One of my characters was made up of over a dozen separate components. You can combine them together when it's time for rigging, if you need to. 
    Hope that helps.
  • Dudikof
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    Dudikof null
    Hey! Thank you very much for the reply! i have been thinking about something like that. i was just worried what comes next. Because i don't know anything about game engines and was worried if it's a problem to import a rig that's made out of many objects. 
  • Stefmon
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    Stefmon polycounter lvl 8
    I can tell you about Unreal and Maya but not so much about blender and unity. You can select the multiple rigged components + rig from Maya and export them as FBX. Then you can import the FBX into Unreal and tick the 'Combine' option. They get imported as one object.
    Note: Each component uses the same joint rig, and have to be skin bound and weight painted individually.
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