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my first likeness

polycounter lvl 4
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AliArto polycounter lvl 4
hi polycount i spend 3 days sculpting from sphere trying to capture the likeness 
this is my result  
what i miss here ? i know it's hard for me 9 month into sculpting but it's a challenge for me

my refe

other reference i know some of them it's older


  • AliArto
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    AliArto polycounter lvl 4
  • AliArto
  • AliArto
  • AliArto
  • AliArto
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    AliArto polycounter lvl 4
    well looks like i am far away XD if anyone have something to say feel free
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Forget he have face or features[ears are exception] and correct big shapes adjust what you have to his skull shape and face type, your base is different head type and no matter how much thing you put on it will never look like him at best might look like caricature

  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Look at the highlights on the reference photos. You've got to read those to figure out the shape of his skull. As an example, it looks to me like right above his eyes he has almost an planar angle that sort of rounds off the edge of his forehead, but it looks like you've been bulking this spot in to give him more of a square forehead. 

    This guy seems like a pretty good challenge, his features are very subtle. I'd agree with above suggestion and forget about the eyes, mouth, nose, for a moment  -- just consider their proportions and location on the head only -- and really make sure you get the shapes of the skull, jaw, and overall proportions just perfect before doing anything that requires more than 100k polygons.
  • AliArto
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    AliArto polycounter lvl 4
    thanks a lot guys 
    this my tweaks 

  • AliArto
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    AliArto polycounter lvl 4
    yes i chose him cause i know it's hard for me to capture likeness in young ppl but older one i can easy get the likeness it's a challenge 
    thanks man why i didn't do that before i trust my eye next time i'll use photoshop to block big shapes 

    can i ask u both what is a likeness is it to make 100%  him or just he look him like caricature 
    ppl get change over the time so to make it perfect like an refe is it must btw i didn't yet overlay refe over the sculpt
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Below is a  simple analysis of the side view to show you what you should look for : High points then to locate high points on your sculpt you can use mid line if you want higher precision you can divide halves in more halves , if you have hard time with complex outline just simplify using straight line is good way .From my previous post you can see that depth is shorter then height most likely adding the nose will make them equal .Easy way to find mid line in zbrush is to either use masking you have cross in the middle showing where the mid is or transpose tool which can give you more divisions
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Goal of the likeness can be whatever you want -- but I think in general people should be able to look at the work and easily recognize who it's supposed to be. 

    Definitely a good way to train your eye if you strive for an exact 1::1 replica though.
  • AliArto
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    AliArto polycounter lvl 4
    thanks @carvuliero i really i can't ask for more u give great tips but still my eyes are bad i can't see very well blur think dosn't work god :( this my day 6 i think i desicde to give up for now i think it's matter time and develope my eyes but i'll keep working on simple faces this dude is hard 
    i got it now yeah the face shape and forms change over time maybe the likeness it's like on different time line 
    but i'll try everytime to get it 1:1 

    again thank u very much guys <3 
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Don't give up study some more evaluate what is the one thing that you if know will help you achieve what you want , practice on that and give it a new try in week or 2 from scratch
    Can give you hint currently you skip the most important big form and rush to secondary form and details so practice on heads without features
    If you want to do likenesses your basic blocky head should have basic likeness adding features would only help to strengthen this likeness
    Ex. he have rectangle shape face and you are using oval shape
    I show you some examples below first image is basic head block out , this is what you need basic head with markings for where brow is where bottom of the nose is mouth stuff like that , Second image you dig some holes for the eyes add basic nose chin and cheeks and at this point you have to have likeness other wise its pointless to go further .3rd image is next step you add smaller planes muscle and so on if you add eye ball and eye lid you are pretty much there ready to polish and adding thirstily details .Last image show same progression on one model
    First image took probably 5-10 min second 30min so you can do such studies all day , you dont even need mouth at this point just 2 points to at both corners to indicate where it is

    One more thing I want to emphasize how low poly everything is and how you can maximize you polygon usage to the fullest

  • aanselmo
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    aanselmo polycounter lvl 2
    Nice to see you here @AliArto and I see you already received good feedback from the amazing @carvuliero :) In my opinion you should pay more attention to the shapes, do try to go over smaller details or pose while you are correcting the head shape and face. Based on your last shot I made a few corrections, the jaw looks a bit larger, his jaw is almost feminine and even is face looks really smooth, the eyebrow muscles are too big and the line going from one to other is too straight, the rest is just smooth is a bit I think.
    Hope it helps
  • AliArto
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    AliArto polycounter lvl 4
    @carvuliero i am speechless thank u so much for clear it to me yeah i never thought i spend 10 min on blocking the head i only make normal blocking and thin put feature and try to match it it's chaos i know 
    second thought ur right i'll try to go back and get the likeness 
    thank u again  Carvuliero 

    @aanselmo same  , yeah he is amazing 
    thank u i'll after apply carvuliero feedback 

    thank u so much <3 i'll post my result after applying them 
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Most of the important forms will come from the subdivision levels low enough that you can still see the faceted polygons. 

    Here is an entertaining and informative youtube channel with good, beginner friendly tips. These guys here on polycount will help you identify the mistakes in your forms, but seeing how people are using the actual tools may help you as well. 

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