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MGS Snake - Stylised

polycounter lvl 9
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grimmrobe polycounter lvl 9
All the Metal Gear 31st stuff on twitter made me want to take on Snake. I think it's going to be bits that like from MGS thru V in my own style.
(Never sure of best way to showcase w.i.p)

3/4 trying not to sink down into too much detail want to keep it stylised & simple.

Heads detail

Character strip


  • N_GONE
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    N_GONE polycounter lvl 5
    Always enjoy seeing MGS stuff, great work!
  • mayash33
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    mayash33 node
    While the model itself looks pretty good, my biggest gripe would be that the face doesn't look anything like Snake.
    If it wasn't for the eye patch, I'd have no idea what character this was supposed to be portraying if your title didn't read "MGS Snake - Stylized". Honestly looks more like Sam Fisher from the Splinter Cell series.

  • grimmrobe
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    grimmrobe polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks! It's a lot of fun doing all his techy armour bits and pieces.

    Sure, I wondered if that might come up. I'm tempted to bring the face more in line with the real one. I think, for me, at the moment the eyes are too wide apart, potentially there is some tweakage needed on the nose and chin. That being said, I'm not treating this as a likeness exercise, so this is going to be my take on him, big chin, big(ish) nose, maybe more typically heroic than our favourite dour veteran. Hopefully, cues like the eye patch and the sneak suit will tell bring home the character for me. If that makes sense.

    Your comment made me realise there are things about the proportions of the face that aren't working though, likeness or not. Thanks for the feedback :)
  • LaurenBamlett
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    LaurenBamlett polycounter lvl 8
    This looks great! The gif showing the horn as well as facial hair felt more like Venom. I'd say if you wanted to push the features a little more whilst having the horn and facial hair, you're set!
  • mayash33
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    mayash33 node
    I see where you're coming from. It's Metal Gear inspired.
    It really does remind me of Splinter Cell though... you even have the color scheme from that game. Black, grey, and green.
    Form and modelling look good.

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