Hey guys. I've been noodling with this project for some time. It's still in the ideation phase and I'm changing stuff as I go.
As you might have guessed, this is an Overwatch style character.
It's planned as an african female hero, the original idea came from the african anti-poaching units, that are basically armed regiments designated for wildlife protection.
Trying to figure out how to do hair. It's a large blockout shape right now, I'm planning to do a heap of frizzy hair partly in a loose topknot.As I worked on the concept I've decided to add a little flavour of classic scout. The neck tie, the short rolled up sleeves and generally small height and stocky physique.
As for the general character vibe, imagine Amethyst from Steven Universe. Brave, carefree and somewhat in your face. That would be a pretty good personality reference I'm trying to portray here.
Also with the character herself there's also a sidekick pet. A giant hyena, but not very menacing. I want to make it closer to something like a Zootopia character. With a personality that correlates with the main character.
As a side note, I'd like to ask your opinion. I think it's very crucial to design all of this in line with overwatch key values and message
While working on the concept I couldn't help but feel that having a canine animal be an openly aggressive force (like biting and stuff) feels kind of out of character for this universe. It's a little too 'real' and gnarly in my opinion. I'd like to hear your ideas on this topic if you don't mind.

Anyway, this is a pretty long journey, so If you've got any feedback or some suggestions I'd very much like to hear them.

It'd be funnier.
Also make it mountable, so it implies and explains how the character attacks.
Because I can't tell how this character attacks.
On a side note. I remember you asking about marmoset render settings in my other thread. But i never could @ your name correctly, so I'm not sure if you saw them. Did you?
I've tried to underline the slight flair of carelessness with loose hanging suspenders and scarf tied around the waist. I'd also like to try and implement very non-intrusive tribal designs into the scarf to underline the cultural motif. It's a little into the Doomfist's playing field, but hopefully I can make it unique enough to make it her own thing. Maybe I could add some tassels like the military shemagh scarves have. They could be a nice physics elements in character movement. However, they also could draw unnecessary attention to the waist area being a small and rhytmically repeating detail. We'll just have to see
Haven't started working on the animal yet, will probably do that next.
Did the blockout for the hippo and added some quick color scheme polypaint. Gotta do the weapon now and can start cleaning up.
, i guess it ll be a good base lore !
I'm finally content with the weapon blockout. It's been a VERY long process mainly because I don't have the slightest idea how to do it
Now that I've designed my first gun, I have a whole new level of respect for weapon artists because let me tell you: It's really not easy.
What I was aiming for is a more or less classic rifle/carbine design, but I wanted it to be a mix of non-deadly weapon and a reference to something more basic. So, after many and many iteratons I landed on an idea of a Bolas gun.
The three prominent petal elements are meant to signify that this particular weapon will shoot 3-sided Bolas that is usually meant to tangle the target and tackle it down. After some thinking I've decided to stay on a 'digital' version, meaning, there won't be actual 'rope-and-weights' charges, the ammunition will be essentally a standard thing like an energy capsule or something similar.
The barrel design seems to be the weakest point at the moment but I'm confident I can solve it on the cleanup stage.
It shouldn't be a simple pivot point i think, it makes the weapon look a it unrealistic; usually the mechanism looks a bit more like that ref ^ I would suggest to take inspiration in these kind of shapes. Good luck!
@Olingova I can't believe I missed that! That's a really good point, thank you.