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Blender keymap for Maya / Unity / Substance Designer users

polycounter lvl 6
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bitinn polycounter lvl 6


Download Blender 2.80's "Industry Standard" key configuration at: https://gist.github.com/bitinn/22f6fefe026d8d9e83468864edb8f835


Hi there,
  • Have you ever find yourself tempting to use Blender but just couldn't get the hang of its navigation?
  • Are you coming from Maya and Unity looking for an alternative modeling software that works for your game?

Well look no further!

I have created a keymap for Blender 2.79 that's based on the Blender 2.80 "Industry Standard Keymap".

Since Blender 2.80 isn't ready yet (and AFAIK, the alternative preset isn't in 2.80 yet). This allow you to start experimenting with what's to come for Blender!

What's inside

It's an export of my Blender 2.79 key configuration, but with following care in mind:

  • It's based on the default Blender 2.79 key map.
  • More importantly, I haven't changed any existing key entries.
  • Instead, I have added new entries, and when conflict isn't avoidable, I have only disabled the existing entry.
  • This allow you to:
    1. Look at what has changed clearly.
    2. Toggle any keys you are uncomfortable with.
    3. Search for default shortcuts using known key-binding.

A rundown of add key maps

Alright, but let's see what you will get?

A quick gallery of shortcuts and screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Id4cbVT

(A full list of operators can be found in Blender API doc)

Quick glossary: assuming you set select mouse to left mouse button, then action mouse is right mouse button, vice versa. Also tweak in blender means hold-and-drag.


screen.redo_last -> shift + Q

This opens up a modal operator panel for last operation, for example, if you have just bevel some edges, it will bring up a menu much like the in-view editor from Maya. So you no longer need to rely on Blender's tool/operator panel, which gives you more space in 3d view.

screen.region_quadview -> Space

As you would expect, this toggles the quad view like Maya. Only useful in 3d view of course.


view2d.pan and view3d.move and image.view_pan -> middle mouse and alt + middle mouse and alt + cmd + select mouse

view2d.zoom and view3d.zoom and image.view_zoom -> alt + action mouse and alt + ctrl + select mouse

view3d.rotate -> alt + select mouse

Unity offers 2 mode of navigation, I have added support for both; Maya also support the same alt + left/middle/right mouse navigation.

This applies universally to 3D View, UV/Image Editor and Node Editor. (Perhaps other 2d views too, but I haven't checked too deeply).

view3d.view_selected and node.view_selected and image.view_selected -> F

Focus onto the active objects/nodes/uv shells, just like Maya, Unity and Substance Designer.

view3d.view_selected (all regions) -> Shift + F

Focus all views to active object, this is to match behaviour in Maya quad view.

node.view_all -> Shift + F

Zoom out the node editor to show all nodes.


view3d.select_border and node.select_border and uv.select_border -> tweak + select mouse

This adds a mouse-hold-and-drag selection to Blender, no extra keyboard input needed, to both 3D View and 2D view like node editor and uv editor.

And more importantly, if you mouse-hold-and-drag in an empty space, then it will de-select current selection too, which is handy as Blender doesn't have a click in empty space to de-select function.

view3d.select (deselect) -> ctrl + select mouse

This adds a common de-select from current selection feature.

view3d.select_border + (extend) -> shift + tweak + select mouse and shift + cmd + tweak + select mouse

This allows a mouse-hold-and-drag selection to add more objects onto current selection set. Again a common feature in Maya and Unity. (The reason for the shift + cmd alternative is somehow the shift approach doesn't work on macOS, and it's not due to key conflict, if anyone knows why, feel free to let me know).


view3d.enable_manipulator -> W and E and R

As in Maya and Unity, this toggles translate/rotate/scale manipulator respectively.

wm.context_set_boolean (space_data.show_manipulator) -> Q

In case you have turned off 3d manipulator, this key will enable it again.

object.delete and node.delete -> backspace

Yep, backspace to delete objects/nodes for macOS users; you can still use Blender's default X key.

object.duplicate_move and node.duplicate_move -> cmd + D

This is the convention for object/node duplication in Maya, Unity and Substance Designer; you can still use Blender's default shift + D.

object.origin_set -> D

This can set object origin to various location, since Blender lacks direction control on origin/pivot, you will need to use 3d cursor (Blender's unique red-and-white ring) to help set the origin. To snap 3d cursor to something, use Blender's default shift + S menu.

Edit Mode-specific

mesh.loop_select -> select mouse (double click)

Maya's double-click to select edge loop is back!

mesh.loop_select (extend select) -> shift + select mouse (double click)

And of course you can add more edge loops to selection.

wm.call_menu (VIEW3D_MT_edit_mesh_specials) -> shift + action mouse

This opens up a context menu for mesh editing, much like Maya's shift + right click menu.

mesh.select_mode -> 1 and 2 and 3

This toggles mesh selection type while in edit mode: 1 is vertex, 2 is edge, 3 is face.

object.mode_set -> 4

This simply returns edit mode to object mode, just like Blender's tab.

screen.redo_last -> 5

A shortcut for the same modal operator menu I mentioned above (only in edit mode), in case you find shift + Q to be annoying.

mesh.loopcut_slide -> shift + C

Insert edges loops, combine it with 5 to gain more control.

mesh.inset -> shift + D

Inset active faces, combine it with 5 to gain more control.

mesh.bevel -> shift + R

Inset active vertices/edges/faces, combine it with 5 to gain more control.

Node Editor-specific

node.add_search -> space

Here is something I think many Substance Designer users will enjoy: press space to toggle a full list of avaiable nodes, also filter-able by string.

All these shortcuts for free?

Yeah, since I haven't found anyone trying to make a decent 2.80-esque key configuration, and I happened to switch from Maya LT to Blender recently, I decides to spend a day making it more Unity/Maya-like.

Feel free to let me know in the comment if I have any oversights, or whether you think this is dream-come-true or autodesk-propaganda.

And be sure to like and subscribe for more updates! (wait, this isn't youtube, is it?)


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