This is some environment work I did on the Blizzard World map for Overwatch. I was mainly working on the Starcraft area, from the initial block out to the final product. Gaëtan Montaudouin created the Siegetank as well as finalized the Ghost Academy and the Crystal for the Pylon.
More images can be found on my
All Overwatch maps are a group effort. The following artists not only share in the credit of these works and others but are also some of the most talented individuals I have had the pleasure of working alongside:
Bill Petras, Dion Rogers, Bram Eulaers, Philip Klevestav, Helder Pinto, Thiago Klafke, Gaëtan Montaudouin, Andrew Klimas, Nate Bowden, Lindsay Johnson, Phil Wang, Lan-Fang Chang.
