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[WIP] Princess of Persia

polycounter lvl 13
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Sebeuroc polycounter lvl 13
Though I didn't have time to enter the 2018 Retrogasm competition, it got me thinking about retro characters that would interesting to model. I thought it would be fun to create a re-imaging of the old 1992 Prince of Persia: Shadow and Flame main character as the Princess of Persia.

I'll be doing my own spin on this design - as a female character, or course.

I've been developing base anatomy for a while and feel like it's getting pretty close. My goal is to push the anatomy further than I typically go, so critique is appreciated!


  • bkost
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    bkost interpolator
    Hey @Sebeuroc you've got a great start. I'm in the same boat as well, I wish to push my anatomy right now. I feel I'm near your level, so I have trouble pointing out inconsistencies in the anatomy. The stomach, hips and lower back look on point. Great job there. The knee caps look a little stretched vertically, but not totally sure.
    What could use some tweaking is the hand to wrist proportions. The hands look a little large compared to the forearm.
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