hi guys this my study for today i did 3 male head before but i have some bad memory of female head everytime i sculpt female head it's doesn't looks great and i find male head old ones with fat pads and wrinkles easy to sculpt
(why is that) so today i put my fear aside and i did this female sculpt what do u think of it now i am on this stage i feel i am lost i don't know what to do next
may i ask can i chose one gender to study is it wrong in this way or i should do both female and male
pls feel free to c&c
More precisely : the shape of your head is odd, your neck is too long, your temples are too harsh. Use references, look at écorché and you will be able to improve her.
This doesn't look so awful to me, but it's hard to pinpoint issues without reference. Overall, I see some general lumpiness which may come from not refining the major forms at the appropriate subdivision level, and the jawline looks to be off a bit. Perhaps the ears are too high as well.
Sometimes it helps to quickly use polypaint to mark in some eyebrows, just because human faces always look a bit weird without them.
If you can, see about getting a male and female scanned model from ten24. I found it really helpful to see how actual humans existing with this typical 3d matte gray material look. Sometimes, when working from photographs, it can be hard to discern subtle forms when you have lighting and color thrown into the mix. Even if you cannot purchase the models, you can still view all the preview images on their website, which is still quite helpful.
i did use refe multiple onc and 3d scan this is the result
I'm not enough of an anatomy guru to say anything about this at this point. Looks a-okay to me. If you were going for a very soft, feminine woman I'd say to lessen the width of the neck and soften the jawline, but I think you were working from a reference, so without seeing that same reference it's not possible to say if you matched it precisely or not.
Will you turn this into a game model and texture it? Texturing is my favorite part.
for game model and texturing i don't think so this was for study only but for sure i already have the file maybe in future i'll texture it when i do full on skin shader study
thanks for the links i'll check them
and this my final image only tweak with makeup