Didn't know what to do, so i went outside...in the real world....and i took some photos of a brick to try out photogrammetry.
This is my first experiment with 3D scanning.
I used 3DF Zephyr ( free version ) for the 3D reconstruction process and Marmoset for rendering.
All the pictures were taken with a Honor 9 smartphone for a total of 50 photos.
UV mapping and texture made in 3DF Zephyr, due to the limitations of the free edition i couldn't export the texture or remapping the UVs of a low poly mesh inside the software so i only rendered the high poly.
Texture resolution: 8K and only 1 texture for the entire mesh.
Full 3D scan with ground and emissive texture only ( 850k tris ):

Only the brick with albedo texture ( 150k tris ):

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