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Jungle scene in UE4

polycounter lvl 7
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Seal40k polycounter lvl 7
Dear Polycounters,

Here is a Jungle scene I am currently working on in UE4 and I would like to ask you for some C&C on my progress so far:

The most challenging part for me is the dynamic lighting atm. which is overall a bit to bright I guess? Anyhow, Let me know what you think. Thanks!




  • lloydj14
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    lloydj14 polycounter lvl 6
    Viewing from mobile so take this with a pinch of salt.
    As you said does feel a just a little bit bright. But the main thing that really stick out for me is how straight all the wood and lines are. Might want to think about how you just make them feel a little less straight and a bit more natural. But most of the textures feel alright and look like they might have some nice detail to them.
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    I was going to mention that the straightness of the huts detracts from an organic feel as well. 

    The biggest thing that strikes me is that the ecology doesn't seem to make sense -- though if you are working from a reference, please correct me. But it seems like you have undergrowth type fauna growing in full sun, and the kapok trees (I think that's what the big ones are) I might expect to give much more coverage -- a jungle canopy -- and perhaps be helped with some more tree species. It seems like you are halfway between tropical island ecology and tropical rain forest, which isn't the same thing.

    Not saying you have to adhere to strictly accurate ecology, but keeping the large ferns to shadowy areas, and perhaps clearing the area around the buildings (maybe use wild grass and vines if it's meant to be overgrown) may make the scene more believable.

    About the lighting, I'd expect the air to be extremely humid, and the sun intense, and so I don't think the brightness is necessarily off, but maybe some more thick atmospheric haze could help. Just thoughts, I don't have the experience to say, "do this, not that". Hope it helps.
  • Seal40k
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    Seal40k polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for your feedback guys, here are some changes I made based on your feedback:

    - I tried to get rid of the unorganic look of the huts by slightly changing the geometry and adding additional thatch patches on the wall.

    - Adding more foliage and changing the kapoks to more costal like trees (Diospyros trees which grow in costal areas).

    - moving the farn to darker areas of the map.

    - adding more saturation through post processing and improving the overall light setup.

    Let me know what you think. Thanks!


  • Goat Justice
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    Goat Justice polycounter lvl 10
    What would you say is the focal point of your piece? Where do you want to lead the viewer's eye? For me the most visually interesting areas (most contrast and most saturation) are the patch of plants in the middle to right foreground and left mid-ground.  The huts by comparison are dark, desaturated and lower contrast. When I look at the image I find my eye kinda bouncing between those two areas. Some placed lights to create areas of interest along with more colorful clutter like the one red crate might help. A light inside the hut to create a bright shiloutte out of the door and window might be worth exploring. 

    The line that bothered me the most is the railing of the bridge which competes with and kinda of distracts from the path which would naturally lead into the scene. Having the railing cover less of the path and adding supporting props along the path might help as well. 

    I also think the overall framing is distracting from some of the more interesting elements. The bicycle is very far to the left. If you divide the current image into thirds one of the right third is fairly uninteresting. possibly because the value of the hut interior seen through the window is more or less the same as the exterior wall (loses depth). 

    Just for an experiment I cropped it to the bit I found the most engaging. 

    There are probably other ways to achieve by shifting things around in the scene as well. 
  • Maximum-Dev

    You can increase SSAO amount to ~0.9 for much better results, and increase SSAO Fade out Distance as well.

    Enable DFAO and LPVs if you haven't.

    Somehow the balance between sky color, directional light intensity and skylight intensity is off. Try to:
    1. Hide the fog
    2. On skylight uncheck Affect World, then check it again.
    3. Unhide the fog.

    Foliage base colors should lean towards more dark-ish greenery and SSS color should lean more towards yellow-ish greenery. This creates some nice tropical vibe.

    Good work so far.
  • AlirezaMorgan
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    AlirezaMorgan polycounter lvl 6
    looks awesome man
    top notch stuff
    i think the environment will look much better if you make the foliage a bit darker 

  • Seal40k
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    Seal40k polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the feedback guys, here are the adjustments I based on that:

    The LPV seams to bring the scene "alive" so to say.
    I also adjusted the SSS and overall color of the plants.

    I think I will move on and add some final decals before I finalize this.
    I wil also try different compositions and angles for the beautyshots.


  • Maximum-Dev
    Much better now.
    Should probably try to tone down that ambient light so you can read the shadow line better. Despite parts of the environment being shadowed, it looks as if it's all lit evenly.
  • levsingh
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    levsingh polycounter lvl 2
    Hey, just wanted to ask you, did you put the foliage as static? if yes were they light mapped? if it was custom light mapped in a modelling package can you post a screenshot of the light map UV? Or maybe point me in the direction to obtain these assets to study?
  • Seal40k
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    Seal40k polycounter lvl 7
    for this scene I did not used static lighting and went for dynamic instead. If you have questions on how the setup has been done in detail just let me know. maybe I can share a screenshot or two of my settings in UE4.
  • levsingh
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    levsingh polycounter lvl 2
    Seal40k said:
    for this scene I did not used static lighting and went for dynamic instead. If you have questions on how the setup has been done in detail just let me know. maybe I can share a screenshot or two of my settings in UE4.
    Hey thanks for reply, it would be perfect if you could share some screenshots of the world light settings, settings of directional and skylight and would be perfect if you can just post a screenshot of how the lights are placed. :smiley:
    Thanks alot again.
  • Seal40k
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    Seal40k polycounter lvl 7
    Its basicly just a skylight and a directional light, so not much in regards of the placement.




    As mentioned earlier, Post processing, LPV, SSS etc. are another story and play a major part in pushing the scene.
    I hope that helps.


  • levsingh
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    levsingh polycounter lvl 2
    Thanks alot for the information, really appreciate it.
    Seal40k said:
    Its basicly just a skylight and a directional light, so not much in regards of the placement.




    As mentioned earlier, Post processing, LPV, SSS etc. are another story and play a major part in pushing the scene.
    I hope that helps.



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