I wasn't sure if this should be in technical talk or not, if it needs to be moved to a different category I'll move it asap!
I’m extremely new to VFX at large and very little experience under my belt with Unreal so I apologize if this is a silly question
The Real Time VFX forums have a cool contest for making the most interesting sword trail, and I wanted to do a cool time sword that does that really nifty after effect from old kung fu films
I’m having a really hard time getting it to work tho! What I thought I’d do is make a static mesh of the sword, and have it emit every second or so with a decay to make that cool after trail, but it doesn’t seem to show on the sword? I’m sure I’m doing something very obvious, but I can’t figure out what! Is it because I’m having it emit from a trail?
Thanks so much in advance!
EDIT -I see you already have one. In that case the setup is probably wrong. Epic made a tutorial about it, its in the official doc. Keep looking. Good luck.