Yes I have his tutorial but it's long one I didn't follow his tutorial this my version of t bag I know its didn't looks like him but I need critique for the forms and anatomy and if u have some tips for capturing likeness thanks
Check your fundamentals one more time -> skill/neck form ,relations ,high points and planes
Be aware of this guy tutorials Its giving young artist wrong impression and teaching really bad practices -> copying without knowledge and understanding
Yeah he didn't explain why he make this make that its like walkthrough not a tutorial but it's good for me I need to know how he sculpt the forms and muscles how he shape the eye What's ur recommendation best artist /teacher out there is it Rafael grassetti on of them ? And what teacher should I evoid thanks
For me I found out thet classical sculptors [clay ,marble or wood carving] bring much more knowledge, know how and experience to the table when we talk about sculpting tutorials and education so looking for any of above is my advice , specifically for portraiture and likeness Philippe Faraut and if you don't mind studding from books Lanteri ,Peter Rubino ,Ian Norbury . Jordu Schell and Mark Alfrey both have head sculpting tutorials but its generic head -> from imagination
I saw few promising tutorials at new master academy but I haven't got subscription yet so cant say for sure
Wow, you have improved a lot since the last time I remember you posting.
I don't have time to really pore over this, but I can see a few deviations from the top image (thats the reference, right?) and yours. It is very small, subtle stuff. Look a little more closely at the stringy muscles along the neck -- pay attention to the angles they form, where they fade out and where they are sharpest. Also, the skin around the edge of the mouth is a bit more developed in the reference. The cheekbones on the reference appear a little thinner and higher. Just ever so much.
I think you will only need to use your move brush with a very low zIntensity, and just make some tiny little nudges here and there. For the skin around the mouth, that may involve using the damStandard brush, again with a super low intensity and large size, and just lightly stroke until things work into place.
What's ur recommendation best artist /teacher out there is it Rafael grassetti on of them ? And what teacher should I evoid thanks
I don't have time to really pore over this, but I can see a few deviations from the top image (thats the reference, right?) and yours. It is very small, subtle stuff. Look a little more closely at the stringy muscles along the neck -- pay attention to the angles they form, where they fade out and where they are sharpest. Also, the skin around the edge of the mouth is a bit more developed in the reference. The cheekbones on the reference appear a little thinner and higher. Just ever so much.
I think you will only need to use your move brush with a very low zIntensity, and just make some tiny little nudges here and there. For the skin around the mouth, that may involve using the damStandard brush, again with a super low intensity and large size, and just lightly stroke until things work into place.
Overall, very well done.
thanks i'll look at them
no both image are mine second one it's newest just little tweaks
thanks a lot