Seeking criticism for my latest render. Something I already notice and will try to improve on my next render:
-Particle system, the grass and leaves used only a few models
-House complexity, the modeling and texturing of the house is still pretty basic with little detail
-Lack of prop
Certain aspect I want feedback on is composition and lighting.

- The house is obviously under a canopy of trees. You can tell this by the light beam coming through the hole in the canopy. For a house under a canopy, I'd expect there to be leaves fallen onto the roof. The house's chimney looks old, but the roof looks relatively new, so it would be cool if there was moss on the roof, as well as some discolouration.
- I'm unsure of why there is a fence on the side of the house. Composition-wise, it leads the eye of the viewer off the picture, which shouldn't happen. You've almost got a frame happening with a dark tree on the right side of the picture and a foreground tree on the left, but then the fence is cutting the framing off and trailing out of the image.
- I'd tone down the sun ray a bit, it stands out a bit too much, and turn down the intensity on the spot where it is falling on the house.
- One part of your scene which is really interesting are the window designs. Those give off a sense of location and building date. However, the windows seem really tiny I'd love to see a large window somewhere on the house. It would be nice for this window to fall in the target of the golden ratio and then the path follow the ratio as well. Alternatively, if a new large window fell on one of the thirds of the image, it would help.
I really like your grass. It's not like any grass I've seen in real life, but it looks unique and interesting. In fact I really enjoy looking at all your foliage.
In my opinion, what makes a scene pretty are the little details. At the moment, everything looks a little bit too "perfect" to be believable (it already looks very nice, but it could be a bit more "alive" you see
So here are some ideas (done with a mouse in 2min so dont judge the drawing ><)
First of all the path looks too straight, it should be more uneven with grass in some areas like that : The texture of the path is a bit too even too.
You could add some taller plants near the house and some rocks on the path and in the grass.
I think the house could also have some leaves/vegetation on it as it looks like an old house in the forest. Here is an example :
The wood of the house seems to have only one texture and one color, try making the edges and the areas around the windows/doors with a different texture/color. The doors should also be more obvious i think.
You can also add wood logs to help the walls stand like in medieval houses :
And some random elements around the house like a weel, barrels, why not some flowers in the small garden etc... could help the viewer see that someone is living here.
Those are random ideas, you could add plenty of different things. Search for reference images of houses in the forest and you will find numerous ideas to make your scene more alive
I hope I was a bit helpful haha,
Have a nice day