This is great work! I've been seeing you gradually post this stuff on ArtStation and have been blown away by it. I assume this is all of the work? Super cool work, man!
Wow, real nice. I love the "low poly" subD you got there, I tend to go overboard with edgeloops to sharpen up corners and then having to find a way to terminate the loops in a way that doesnt mess it all up.
Wow, real nice. I love the "low poly" subD you got there, I tend to go overboard with edgeloops to sharpen up corners and then having to find a way to terminate the loops in a way that doesnt mess it all up.
Thanks, the only tip I can give is to not over do it, but also not to rely too on your turbosmooth etc, so it doesnt become to hard to mimic the subD shapes
Its a combination, for most things I get 1 concept art, but at the same time I get A LOT of artistic freedom
Will post some more later today
Whats your workflow for the more complex shapes, like the head of the laserhund?
Is it subD Modo or fusion or zbrush or something else?
The "shrinkwrap" for the body looks great as well
I will link you the wireframe later