Hey guys,
I have been trying to get my anatomy sculpts to a nice level for a while now. I'm still trying to get the skeleton, shape of the muscles and proportions just right before I move on to surface anatomy.
But I'm getting stuck on sculpts like this, I just can't seem to get that ''that's right'' feel And its driving me nuts.
I would rely appreciate it if someone could take a look and break it down a bit.

For now I just moved some things around on the original sculpt, but I'd like to try a new one as soon as possible. I want to try doing what you said, starting with big shapes and then carving in. Instead of what I'm doing now starting at the bone and building out. I think doing this is what lead to the "thinness" and the bad posture of what I'm seeing in the side-view now.
I didn't use any reference for this, I usually do use a bunch of reference but for this one I didn't. Because I don't have internet at the moment and I don't want to download a bunch of images on my phones data.