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Anatomy sculpt - Critiques much appreciated

polycounter lvl 7
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Pjotrh polycounter lvl 7
Hey guys,

I have been trying to get my anatomy sculpts to a nice level for a while now. I'm still trying to get the skeleton, shape of the muscles and proportions just right before I move on to surface anatomy.
But I'm getting stuck on sculpts like this, I just can't seem to get that ''that's right'' feel And its driving me nuts. 

I would rely appreciate it if someone could take a look and break it down a bit.


  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Try to fix overall proportion and gesture of your model also work on big masses first for example legs can be seen as inclined cylinders , same can be apply for the rest of the body using the most descriptive shape for the specific part you are trying to recreate  ,this will help you establish proper volumes and gesture-> everything work as cohesive unit  after that step you just carve the muscle in place
    What reference materials did you use ?

  • Pjotrh
    Offline / Send Message
    Pjotrh polycounter lvl 7
    Hey Carvuliero, thank you for the feedback its already helping me a lot.

    For now I just moved some things around on the original sculpt, but I'd like to try a new one as soon as possible.  I want to try doing what you said, starting with big shapes and then carving in. Instead of what I'm doing now starting at the bone and building out. I think doing this is what lead to the "thinness" and the bad posture of what I'm seeing in the side-view now.


    I didn't use any reference for this, I usually do use a bunch of reference but for this one I didn't. Because I don't have internet at the moment and I don't want to download a bunch of images on my phones data.  
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Go ahead give it another try maybe use simplified anatomy chart something like cartoon or super hero or cloth mannequin .
    Few things to keep in mind like relation between individual parts -> is rib cage wider then pelvis or is waist wider then rib cage
    also widest/narrowest point -> widest point[WP] on the whole body, WP below the waist . WP below the knee
    Using plumb like to check relation -> for example from the side plumb line through greater trochanter can show you where the knee/foot/head is in relation to this line , any bony landmark can be use in the same fashion
    This few things will keep you in like also help with gesture and rhythm

  • Pjotrh
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    Pjotrh polycounter lvl 7
    Hey man, thanks a lot for the advice and reference its a great help. I went ahead and made another one today: I think this one turned out a bit better than the last one. But I seem to still be really struggling with finding the right shapes for the limbs. they seem very off to me, but I can't really put my finger on what the cause(es) is/are.  
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