The problem: a perfectly tileable texture suddenly shows seams after being processed through Bitmap2Material.
Details: I picked a generic grass pic from the Internet, brought it into Photoshop for some offset/clone_stamp so to make it perfectly tileable, then passed it into B2M to create all the needed maps to then use them into Substance Designer.
But here comes the problem (see attached image), once brought into UE4 for some terrain painting I noticed that there was an awfully visible line separating texture tiles.
So I started moving back through every passage, until I noticed that the maps produced by B2M had a visible seam where the input image was perfectly tileable.
I've tried ensuring that input and output had the exact same resolution, but again.....
A possible solution would be correcting the output in Photoshop, but it would be a hell of a work and I would probably generate discrepancies between color, height, occlusion and roughness maps.
Does anybody know how to fix this problem?
Or whether B2M is suitable for tileable textures at all....?
Thank you.