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Much needed portfolio critique for a 3D artist.

polycounter lvl 5
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Lapaga polycounter lvl 5

I'm a 3D artists who's about to finish his master's degree in video game arts and been doing stuff in Maya and 3Ds Max for a  couple of years, mostly as a hobby, but now I've decided to start a career out of it and I need some help with my portfolio and how to focus my work.

Here it is; https://www.artstation.com/lapaga 

I know that my portfolio is a bit of a mess right now (old stuff mixed with unfinished projects, for starters), but I'll be adding newer, more polished, projects asap. However, I'm not really sure how to proceed, or if what I'm doing is right. Right now I'm kind of interested in everything, but I do find Enviroment and Lightning art the most appealing. Although I wouldn't mind working as a 3D/asset modeler either (tbh, right now I just need work, any work, that gives me experience in the industry).

So, should I stick with doing single assets for now? is enviro and lighting art aiming to high for someone my level? Are there things I should add, delete or change in my portfolio? Any feedback you can give me would be more than welcome.

In any case, thanks for taking your time and have a nice day! 


  • TheLittleJay
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    TheLittleJay polycounter lvl 7
    Your paladin's hammer has the best presentation of all your work. You wanna be putting your very best stuff in your portfolio, stuff that leaps out and makes people go 'wow, i wanna click on that'. Lot of your other work doesn't do this and looks kinda bland, like the TIE fighter, car or the SquareWaves stuff. 

    So, should I stick with doing single assets for now? is enviro and lighting art aiming to high for someone my level? 
    You could try making a small environment (like the inside of a room) which is filled with some detailed single assets. That could be a good starting point, but if you're not sure of your abilities don't jump in and make a huge open area. 

    (old stuff mixed with unfinished projects, for starters)......
    .......Are there things I should add, delete or change in my portfolio?
    There's your answer. Portfolio-wise studios will judge you on your worst stuff, so I'd recommend setting up a meeting between your old work and the DEL key. 2 really good pieces will look way better than 2 good pieces surrounded by 8 mediocre ones. Keeping that stuff there will only hurt you in the long run. 

    I don't think enviro / lighting is out of the question, you just need to keep making environments to improve. Keep at it, maybe join in with this months Polycount enviroment challenge, and there's a ton of good resources in the Polycount wiki: http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/Portfolio 
  • Lapaga
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    Lapaga polycounter lvl 5
    Thank you! That's great advice. 

    Yeah Im gonna start deleting some old projects. I thought that maybe it might add something, even if it were a small thing, but now I see that's not the case. 

    I'll keep that in mind and hopefully I can start improving it soon. Thanks again! :)
  • Finnn
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    Finnn greentooth
    Also keep in mind that when you share your artstation portfolio with a potential employer, use the portfolio link
    In your Artstation settings you can change which projects should be seen on your personal site and on your portfolio site.
    This way you can keep your projects and not have to delete them from your site, but when you send your portfolio there is only visible what should be seen :)
    Hope this helps a little.
    I think your stuff looks cool, keep it up!

  • Lapaga
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    Lapaga polycounter lvl 5
    Oh didn't know that one. Thanks!!
  • Finnn
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    Finnn greentooth
    Nevermind, this feature is only available for Pro users of Artstation :(
    Sorry for teasing you! :D
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